May 20, 2005 01:15
So i suppose it's not too bad to lock myself away for a couple of days. I've been a little musical factory, writing new layered material. And I'm expecting the most beautiful violin ever to be delivered tomorrow. I can't wait until it's mine. Perfect timing, really. Planning for our big debut show with the new drummer in July, the latest. I work best with deadlines. Pretty sure we're going to be able to secure a good venue too. Exciting...
Anyways its funny how well I'm passing these days. Even to queers. For example, there's this one regular at the cafe who is the biggest most wonderful stone-butch bulldagger you could ever hope to see. She was having some conversation about cabaret with my co-worker and i, and she turns to me in an attempt to explain the difference between dragqueens, trannies, and crossdressers. Of course I politely let her finish. It was amusing. When i finally outed myself as ftm to her, I swear i saw her blush. We shared a little toilet talk then. You know, about unsuspecting men following us blindly into the wrong bathrooms and such... It's funny, cause she gives me butch props now whenever she comes in. (in her hawaiian shirts & stylin black stonewashed jeans o yeah!!)
why does our summer air often smell so stagnant??? Damn swamps...