Oct 13, 2006 18:52
I guess it never was in control. I am asque with emotion, and it's relentlessly pounding like a hord of disgruntled club-weilding dwarves. I feel so out of control. I want to feel okay, and know that I will someday make freinds, and not feel so totally alone here, but it's really hard. What about those days when putting forth the tremendous effort to go out and meet people and sift through all the weirdos, perverts, snobs, and energy-crazy hippies, just doesn't feel worth the effort? The giant hypno-toads echo my thoughts. "Crooaoooooooooooooooooooooooooack," they say. Why do I have to be this way, and feel that I am being deserted for something better? Always greener grass. Literally, grass could not be greener here. There are giant jack in the bean stock that mock the greennest of green grasses. Screw the grass. Actually, if you do screw the grass, you will get some really intimate grass stains. I am covered with tears and Mau Mau hair, and I'm so incredibly lonely. Which sucks. Well, I am switching computers, so that is all for now.