(no subject)

Feb 04, 2005 21:08

i'm really glad to hear that my best friends heart is broken..

not b/c of a breakup...

b/c of stupid boys that dont realize that girls come and go.. and friends are forever.

honestly.. i find it quite funny how girls can control the life of a boy.

i've never put myself in the position to do so.

i find it pretty lame that a boy can actually walk around with a leash on his neck. it's good for the girl... but what about the people that have been there with him through thick and thin. his family. his TRUE friends.

what sort of kick do you get out ruining peoples lives just so you can make yourself happy.

better yet... have things your way.

why not grow up.

you think that by the age of 17 or 18..youd grow up and grow balls.

but you just stay immature.

if youre reading this and think its about you.. than it is.

or if this is the girl who lurked my LJ just to get dirt.. this is to you too.

way to use people for their friendships.

way to hurt someone that never did anything to you.

that never could hurt a fly.


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