Feb 03, 2005 10:18
for those of you that dont have myspace...
This is a tribute to the nice girls. These are the girls who are safe. The girls whom guys who have girlfriends are allowed to hang out with because they’re not viewed as a threat. These are the girls who dress respectably . . . they don’t go and get “skank clothes” and parade themselves around, catching the attention of every drooling, testosterone-filled boy on earth. These are the girls who are okay with going to chick-fil-a on a date, hanging out, watching a movie, playing a game, or doing some other low-cost, high-fun form of entertainment. Because after all, it’s really about the quality time that they spend with the guy and not the amount of money that is flowing from his pockets in order to please her every whim and desire (or so he thinks) during the date.
This is in honor of the girls who take the time to ask their guy friends “how’s life?” and to listen carefully when the answer is given. The girls who go out of their way to make cookies or cheer up male friends in distress. Yeah, we know “men are from Mars” and “women are from Venus,” but a simple “thank you” is pretty darn universal.
This goes out to the girls who must sit complacently while their guy friends discuss the “hotness” of the girl at the next table over. They watch as these guys date or lust over each and every self-centered, trashy, insecure, flirtatious, and flighty girl they come into contact with.
When asked, most guys say they would like to date a nice girl. However, when faced with such an opportunity, they claim that “I love her . . .like a little sister” or “there are no such things as nice girls. They’re all evil.” These guys continue to complain about how all girls are “manipulative” and “gossipy” and wonder why in the world they all go to the bathroom at the same time.
But, we must confess, there are guys out there who realize the value of their nice friends who are girls. These are the guys who should be praised for their willingness to go with the flow, hang out, and chill. These guys, however, fail to consider these nice girls as anything more than friends or to step up to the plate and consider them for a Saturday night date or the upcoming dance even though they possess all the qualities that guys claim they are looking for. But, a note to the nice girls. Eventually all guys will (or at least should) realize that they don’t want to have a relationship with a girl who wants all of their money and who will only date them until a guy who is better or more enhancing for her social status comes along. So, until those guys realize what is right in front of them, a word of encouragement to the nice girls. You know who you are, and I know you’re sick of being treated like a doormat. In all honesty, you are valuable. Clearly, you possess qualities that cause your guy friends to want to hang out with you. The world needs your encouragement, your willingness to take part in spontaneous activities, your ability to continue to enjoy life even though you watch as countless nasty, malicious female sirens blind the nice guys with their alluring ways. For all of the random, frustrating, and seemingly non-sensical things you tolerate, don’t lose hope. Nice guys do exist and will someday realize that nice girls, who are not evil, exist as well. Fear not, your day will come. And perhaps your prince will too.
..written by the girls of D-202..
so for the past few weeks.. i have realized that i am a pretty angered person.
i guess it's the fact that i usually just lock away emotions.. but until recently.. i cant hold back. and what i have to say or do.. has to come out..thats without any thought.
no more ms. nice girl.
for real.
so this it to all the girls who believe that relationships are worth more than friendships.
it takeas a lot of time to build a trusting and loyal friendship with anybody. especially if it were with a boy.
and in this case it is.
i don't find it humorous nor do i find it mature for a girl to step in the path of another girl and a guys friendship. whether girl #1 is dating the boy or not.
do you not see that maybe you dont share all of his common interest. that maybe it is just a friendship and nothing more. are you too stuck up your own ass to realize that the world doesnt and IS NOT going to revolve around YOU.
to put someone in the position of subjecting their friendship, is pretty lame.
who knows.. that one friend could be the only one they could run to when there is a problem..
that only friend could be their backbone.
that only friend could have been there from the start. through thick and thin.
but apparently, you have to step in and ruin everything. why.
b/c you care nothing but for yourself. and it kills you to see other girls do exist on this earth.
oh i did forget to mention the "possee"
you know the girls you hang out with and gossip with all day.. about how girls like us are sluts and just try to gain attention. when in the end.. we care nothing for attention.. just a good set of friends to rely on.
you and your friends feel the need to lurk LJs, myspace, Xanga or any other thing.. just to find some piece of evidence that maybe all your predictions were right.
maybe you're not the only girl that holds a place in his heart.
can't you just get over the fact that NICE GIRLS do exist. and that more than likely you're not considered one of them.
the fact that you drink and smoke pot.. is another thing.
who knows.. you could be cheating on that boy.. and GOD BLESS his heart.. to even be with a girl that puts that before him. how can he even trust you. but wait.. i'm pretty sure you cant even trust yourself...
get over it.