Feb 23, 2006 16:35
Well I haven't updated this whole thing in a long time; so I thought I would go for it. Well since then Justin Mizzle left to go back to school : ( I miss him terribly; only like 100 something more days. Boys got ghey during that time too; well one did. Things were good between friends && junk. I feel like I lost a couple best friends; they just don't seem to care about our friendship, but it's their loss I guess you could say, because when they come back obvioulsy I'm not going to allow things to be the same. Boys got ghey again, fuck trusting them. Went to a lot of good shows && got closer to Anna; Courtney; Andria, and hung out more with my Pammy. I love them<3. Got drunk more, just recommend not doing that on a Sunday with school on Monday. Went to a lot of good fucking shows. Christopher Michael has continued to be there for me of course. My parents found out about my lip ring so I took the liberty to tell them; was a big mistake; but I think the longer the worse. Everything basically went downhill from there. No license until im 18 accorindg to my mom @ first; then she decided if I took it out then I could get it again @ 16, we got into fights for like 3 days//nights straight, so she took that away again. I can't even drive her car. My dad is letting my get my license, just obvioulsy have no car to drive. I'm disowned by my mother. I have grown closer to my brother that's away @ college; he's proved to me he really does care about me. I'm really just really tired of some friends && how they treat me sometimes; grow up && realize what you're doing. && now take responsibility for your actions. Plus, I'm tired of guys being all "aw daynuh you're so cute blahblah" then being all "okay well it was nice, bye". Fuck that short time shit. Obvioulsy I haven't found someone who has proved to me, that what they say isn't bullshit. School has been ghey; but it goes by really fast lately so that's nice. Everyone seems to be really sick lately; aw poor Court && her mono. I need new clothes; woodfield//online shopping soon hopefully. && I want a new phone && makeup. Fuck; I'm going to waste my daddys money : ).