Artpost for Spn Eldritch Bang 2020

Oct 18, 2020 15:00

This set of artwork is created for  spneldritchbang I was fortunate enough to work with nerdypastrychef for my first Eldritch Bang. The story was gripping from the very start. The eerie feeling of the surroundings that were so well described by the author were my inspiration behind creating the manips and gif. It was a great experience working with her. Thank you, nerdypastrychef for trusting me with your story.

A big shout out to mods, spneldritchmod for effortlessly pulling off another fantastic round of Spn Eldritch Bang.

Title: Susurration

Summary: Sam and Dean, staying in a remote cabin in the Maine woods, stumble upon a clearing in the woods and a small stone shack. At first, they think nothing of it, but after some shared nightmares and Sam vanishing with no memory of it, they start to realize that the remote little town isn't so peaceful after all.

Warnings for art: Snakes ...lots of them.

Link to Story: Ao3

The Banner.

2. John leaving the brothers behind at a cabin which is outside of the town.

3. Sam and Dean having a conversation inside the cabin.

4. Dean walking down the stony passageway, with snakes following around.

{sidenote: My Dean got a bit squishy trying to match up with the background side. My author was gracious enough to overlook it. lol.}

5. Sam, tied down in the creepy hallway with small pod full of lake

6. A GIF depicting Sam Winchester caught by the snake monster

7. A GIF with sound, same depiction as above, with minor changes.

That's it from me. Let me know what you think. Do read the story, its awesome.

2020, fan art, manip, dean winchester, supernatural, art masterpost, sam winchester

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