Spn J2 BB Art Masterpost For Alpha And Omega

Jun 25, 2020 16:30

This was the original story I claimed for spn_j2_bigbang Initially, I wasn't going to be a part of this whole challenge, but then I observed the claim rounds and saw there were still stories left to be claimed. It intrigued me. When it was open for any artist to claim, a story captured my attention. A story titled Alpha and Omega which I later came to know was written by my dearest friend jdl71 .

I was dreading initially, because even if I claimed a story, it didn't mean I was a good artist. I just claimed it on a whim. I was terrified that somehow I'd manage to disappoint my author. After all, who'd want an art from a newbie! But, it was pretty anti-climatic as when I told my author about my insecurities, she immediately came to my rescue. She calmed me down and cleared my doubts and helped me get comfortable in my role as her artist. We even had a laugh about how her suggestions were almost like me being her personal shopper. It was so much fun!! So, thank you Jen, for everything and most importantly trusting me with your story! You were the first person who gave me a chance to let me dive into the world of fan art. I hope you guys enjoy this just as much as we had fun creating it.

The Banner. The idea behind it was Jared and Jensen starting a new life, with a positive and happy outlook. As we had enough material with the new photo shoot, I picked up the image and did some cut outs and blends. It isn't as finished as I would have liked it to be. I'm still trying to get a grip on cut outs so until then, this will have to do.  This was the result:

Banner 1

The next comes Jensen, who's been tortured and silenced, so much that he forgets how to speak. Instead he becomes feral. I used the hues and filters that reflects a sad state of affairs with a face montage. This was the result:

Silenced Jensen

The next one is Jensen who's lost and underwent so much that he lost his identity and became feral. He lost his family, hi friends, his pack, everything he knew. I used dispersion and reflective hues to describe the loss Jensen suffered. It was almost like Jensen faded away. This was the result:

Lost Jensen

Then is Jared. The Alpha who's contrary to the usual dominant and traditional ones. He's a different wolf. A kind hearted one,  whose smile is like the rays of sun and his soul shining like stars and goes beyond his limits to help others in need. I used a howling wolf with a sunset background blend. This was the result:

Alpha Jared

The next blend I used was a forest island. Because the dense forest reflects the depth of Jared's genuine love and his caring nature and he's just as calm as water. Jared accepts Jensen as he is and helps his mate grow. Never complains or questions Jensen. He always tried his best to comfort his mate. Its this quality of his that resonates with an island because he's the only one who's ever cared for Jensen so much, despite being an Alpha.  This was the result:

Caring Jared

And finally comes the happily ever after. The end of the story speaks of how Jared established his rule over the pack which was once destroyed by the previous Alpha's and raised the Ashland pack with his compassion and kind nature. Not only the pack but he also helped his mate overcome the ghosts of his past and vowed to love and protect Jensen at all costs. They even have a baby now! With both Jared and Jensen happy with their small family, the story ends on a note that after all the struggles that they both went through, it was all worth it if it meant they got to have their happily ever after.

Banner 2

And finally, the page breakers. The background I used reflects a hint of sunrise. It represents the dawn of new era in both Jared and Jensen's life.

Page Breaker Jared

Page breaker Jensen

Here's the link to the Story on Ao3: Alpha and Omega 

Hope you guys enjoyed it! Let me know what you think!

2020, spn_j2bigbang, bigbang, j2, art masterpost, jaredxjensen, jared/jensen, alpha and omega

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