Spn J2 BB Artwork Masterpost for Angeslzfurys

Jun 23, 2020 22:41

This is my first time as an artist for any Spn challenge. This was created for spn_j2_bigbang . I already had claimed a fic but when Wendy needed pinch hitters I signed up. I thank my author angelzfurys for trusting me with the fic and to EmmatheSlayer for giving me feedback. She worked for me kinda like a beta for the Fic.
Here's the link to fic https://angelzfurys.livejournal.com/34282.html.

Here's the artwork:
Banner. The idea behind it was Jared and Jensen running away from the government, and going in hiding.

Next comes the Jensen who’s been tortured by the government military in a cell, chained and all, and is broken free by Jared. Chain represents he’s about to be freed and the room is as described, with a rusty wooden table and chair where Jensen is served meals.

Prisoner Jensen...left on his own, with only a window for his musings.

Jensen, the victim of conspiracy by the government

Jared and Jensen running away with a motorbike

Jared and Jensen walking down the corridor of the church when they arrive there for sanctuary.

Jensen confronting Jared when he find out that Jared omitted to tell him the very important parts of the rescue operation. This is by far my favorite scene. The room was pretty well described by the author along with the covers on the bed, white sheets, pillows, enclosed room with no windows, small lamp, light blue color of the walls and the navy blankets. I used various fill ins and hue to get desired result.

And finally Jensen and Jared walking down the aisle of the church, bonding.

The final piece is the chapter titles

A huge thank you to Wendy for organizing and effortlessly managing this bang!
Hope you guys like it. Let me know what you think.
Alternative link to Tumblr

2020, artpost, hide and seek, art masterpost, spn_j2bigbang, jared/jensen, bigbang

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