I learned something today...

Mar 03, 2004 08:15

I woke up yesterday with the thought, "12 feet of rope and nowhere to go," in my head. At first I was afraid, then I was petrified… But then I assumed I was just going crazy and figured I'd just let it happen. So, I went to Mr. Jones house in my boxers and fixed myself some poached eggs. I thought I would be out of there before he woke up, however, as he walked in I realized he had gotten out of work about an hour before.

He told me that he wouldn't call the cops, but if I was to come over anymore I needed to be wearing at least 4 articles of clothing, and I had to return his fishing pole. I calmly explained that I had to use his fishing pole to kill his cat, because it had "a crazy face." Fortunately, he is an understanding man and he listened to my dilemma.

After I told him about the phrase I awoke with he suggested that I meditate about it, preferably on a mountaintop or something.  This sounded reasonable enough, and I wasn't doing anything for the next couple of days so I thought, why not?

I trekked for 2 full days across plains and through swamps, until I finally made it to the mountain of enlightenment. I journeyed to a ledge that had a spring on it and sat with only some alcohol that I had procured from the natives.

For a week I meditated on the wind, the earth, the water, and finally the phrase. Ultimately I gained nothing from the experience except for alcoholism. However, on the way down the mountain I did take a slight fall, about 12ft. I guess next time I'll take some rope with me.

I think the lesson here is; it doesn't matter where you come from, as long as we're all the same religion.

Missing the point,

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