An ocean of tuxedos, and nowhere to strut.

Mar 11, 2004 03:57

I've been having a rough time in my life recently; nothing seemed to be going right. To solve this problem I decided to drop some acid and kind of not think about it. Shortly, I found myself in a room full of stuffed penguins wearing top hats. At the far end of this room, rising above the sea of top hats I noticed a plume of smoke.

As I waded through the penguins I saw and old man with a white beard and big bushy eyebrows, smoking from a tavern pipe. I sat down with him and neither of us spoke a word. After sometime the old man whispered in a raspy voice, saying, "I know why you've come. I can help you, but in return you must kill me."

I posed the question, "Why do you want me to kill you? You are an old man, your time will be up soon enough."

To which he replied, "The reaper cannot reach me, for you see, these penguins keep him from entering this room."

It was then that I agreed to help the old man in return for his wisdom. We sat in silence again for a moment, and then he told me, "If you have no expectations, then you can never be let down. Also, should anything good happen it will always be a pleasant surprise, even the most trivial details."

I offered him a drink of my Pepsi. Upon imbibing it he burst into flames and in an instant was gone. He left behind only his pipe. All of the penguins turned to me and began emitting a low whirring sound, which gradually became louder and more of a beeping.

I woke in my room to my alarm going off. It was set for a.m. not p.m., by mistake.

Imagine my embarrassment.

Turning red,

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