'Hello!', Ten fabric, and patterning

Aug 26, 2010 09:24

Hello fellow costume makers and 'Who' fans!

Firstly I just wanted to say how impressed I am by all the photos of everyone's costumes. I am awe-inspired (and a little bit envious) by the talent demonstrated on this community. Many of you have actually inspired me to get back into sewing, despite a severe lack of free time, so I thought I should say hello, and thank you.

I'm currently working on a Tenth Doctor costume which started as a 'faffing about' project, but grew! My first suit is an item of work wear which I altered, then began tracing over the cream pinstripes in blue fineliner - I'm not sure if it works or not, but I kind of wish I hadn't started, partly because its taking FOREVER and partly because I then found the following:

Natural light


The Fancy Silk Store in Birmingham (UK) has a HUGE selection of patterned and pinstriped suiting fabric. Their material above is a little bit too grey and/or dark in certain lights, but it is a blend of a darker ashy brown and a lighter fawn brown and is the closest I have seen without paying through the nose for custom prints/weaves or buying at $30 a yard from Baron's or Magnoli.

If anyone in the UK is on the lookout and is near Birmingham, Fancy Silks is situated on Moat Lane near the market, and the material costs £4.99 a metre. The store is worth a look in anyway for the vast array of fabrics on offer.

Having bought this, I am now at the stage of finding a suitable pattern. I notice a lot of people on these boards have drafted patterns from scratch, but that is far beyond my skill. I will have to alter any suit pattern I find, partly because nothing out there is exact and partly because I am a girl and as such men's patterns always need to come in a bit on the shoulders. (For the trousers, I just plan to hack apart a pair of suitably fitting women's trousers and pattern from that.) Someone a couple of years ago recommended Burda 8186 for the jacket. Has anyone used this, and if so how well did it work?

Any costume advice (or indeed chatter) people can offer will be much appreciated. My throw-together original will probably be completed very soon to be worn at 'Whooverville' in Derby and 'Regenerations' in Swansea. If anyone is going to either of these events, do let me know! It would be great to find fellow costumed Whovians to hang around with. Feel free to contact me and say hi.

questions, reference, doctor: ten, retailer, conventions, fabric, patterns, costuming events

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