Oct 15, 2012 00:05

Hey all! Been sneaking about this community for a few weeks in the hype of NYCC (got a few amazing tips from some of you, so thanks for that!) and I thought I should share my experience.

I'm incredibly new to cosplay, aside from Halloween costumes this was my very first experience! And going to New York Comic Con on Friday was amazing for my first venture into this incredibly awesome world. Got an autograph from Tom Felton, an abstract poster of the TARDIS in space, an Amy Pond ID card, and a once in a lifetime (though hopefully it will end up being more than that) experience.

Being a huge Whovian and a redhead, it seemed obvious to go as Amy Pond. She's my favorite so it was only natural. I had help from a few sites online, as well as a friend of mine. I went as Kissogram Amy, of course. Probably the most recognizable, though also probably the most difficult costume. Despite that, I was pretty happy with how it turned out.

Overall, I loved my first experience and hope it's not my last! Here's a few pictures from my day.

P.S. If I met any of you guys or took pictures with you, don't be afraid to say hi! You were all so wonderfully nice!

companion: amy pond, episode: the eleventh hour, doctor: eleven, convention: new york comic con, the tardis

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