My costume beginnings: River Song + Doctors 1, 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, & 11

Sep 06, 2012 18:07

So, having mentioned my current costuming obsession, I thought I'd post a couple of pics. I just started collecting costume pieces for "Doctor Who" this summer & most of the pieces are pretty far from screen accurate, but they're the best I've found and/or been able to afford so far. Sorry for the cruddy clarity and color quality of the pics. (Try saying "cruddy clarity and color quality" three times fast) :D

I think I'll start with River, because I have the most for her (though not nearly enough!). :)

I've got a pretty complete "Impossible Astronaut," although I'd like to improve pretty much everything. The sleeves on the jacket are a bit long and have to be rolled up. The pouch, belt & holster are handmade & the belt and pouch didn't turn out as well as I'd like, so I'll probably try to replace or remake them at some point. I forgot to put the flashlight in with the props, but it's, of course, not the right one, and I'd really like to get the TK10 or at least a much closer match, at some point. Vortex manipulator and Alpha Meson gun are also handmade and could stand to be rebuilt a little better, but I'm fairly happy with the journal and PDA that I made. The closest thing I've found to the Anina belt is the one pictured below with three rows of holes. The one with two rows will go with the Alpha Meson holster (once I get around to making it). And, of course, handcuffs. Not pictured: "hallucinogenic" lipstick. I also made some handcuff earrings in honor of River Song that I may decide to wear with some of her outfits, canon or no. :)

On to the Doctors!

This is my Nine, though I've also got a blue V-neck I could wear instead. I think my psychic paper wallet turned out alright, but I haven't got a Nine/Ten sonic yet.

I know Ten never wore a yellow tie, but the pattern's blue and brown and has all these circles and roman numerals on it. It looks like a clock exploded. I have a few others that are just brown with blue accents that are probably closer to canon, but I just thought this one seemed very timey wimey. Props are hat and lei for "End of Time," 3D glasses, and of course, psychic paper again. I forgot to put the glasses in the pictures, because they're my actual reading glasses and I don't keep them with my other props. Same with the black version of my hightops. :D I'm still keeping an eye out for a blue suit to add to my collection. Perhaps someday a coat, too.

Eleven's jacket is not brown enough, I know (although it's browner than it looks in the pic). I'm still trying to find a browner one in my size. Also waiting for the Halloween stores to open up nearby so I can get a fez. I have another blue-striped shirt that actually has the tabbed collar, but I think this one works better colorwise for now. Still gotta get a red and/or maroon version of tie/braces/shirt.

After watching the new series episodes several times through, I decided I really needed to see the classic series, too. I've almost finished the third season at this point. So, naturally as I watched, I started collecting things for a First Doctor outfit. I haven't found a cream-colored waistcoat yet, so I'm having to make do with the plain gray for now. The cut of the coat isn't right & it's charcoal rather than black, but I still kinda like it. The pattern on the pants is really hard to see in the pic, but I think it's pretty close to the screen version. The shirt is a normal white one, I just sewed down the collar so that it mimics the wing look. Braces are never really seen, so I figured I'd just wear the ones from my Eleven outfit, if I bother to wear any at all. The blue ring I've got is HUGE, but so pretty. :)

Although I haven't gotten any further in my classic Who viewing, I've certainly seen pictures of the other Doctors, and though I'm trying not to jump ahead in my costume shopping, I've still ended up picking up a couple things that caught my eye. I thought the jacket might be a passable start for one of Three's, and that the pants might work for Five and/or Six.

So, this is the stuff I've got so far. I'm sure I'll be adding to and improving the collection constantly. Of course, the holy grail right now would be the taupe All Saints Zeeda dress in my size (and price range), but I know that's not likely to happen. lol. Anyway, let me know what you think, and I'd be happy to post more pics as I finish outfits, if anyone'd be interested. Cheers!

river song, episode: the end of time, doctor: six, doctor: one, doctor: ten, pics, episodes: tia/dotm, costume diary, doctor: nine, doctor: five, budget costuming, doctor: eleven, doctor: three, episodes: ttoa/fas

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