The Cosplayers Take Manhattan (River's version.)

Sep 06, 2012 23:32

I've just got back from two weeks in New York and during that time I had a great time cosplaying the upcoming episode!

I cosplayed the two versions of River Song's outfits - and my friends pictured cosplayed Amy and Rory! (I'm sure they'll be uploading their own pictures soon.)

Also, for the first time, I made my own original cosplay  - out of a suitcase!! (We were going out to the Way Station - a Doctor Who themed bar - and I wanted a cosplay I could breathe in - basically, not the corset!)

We began in Central Park!

It's so picturesque!

Yellow taxis? Think you got the right place, River.

Always time for a spot of archeological research.

Daddy Pond - and the Melody Malone book I made!

Amy and River investigate. (This place isn't in the episode, we just thought it looked good!)

There's something afoot...

It's not a Weeping Angel - but close call!

Off to Tudor City to continue our screen-accurate photoshoot!

More investigation!

River joins the Long Coat Brigade/

River lurks.

Can you tell I had loads of fun with this cosplay!

Vortex shot (and my cheap bracelet alt - £1)

The Ponds notice something.

Trailer shot!

All the spoilers!

Book cover, minus the gun. (Customs would've freaked at my realistic prop gun.)

The necessary back to back shot.

And we conclude our filming locations at Grand Central!

Cosplaying amongst the crowd.

And here's my original River cosplay - all done out of a suitcase and by borrowing my friend's boots. It's River in archeological excavation mode, having got into a scrape or two during her adventure ...

episode: the angels take manhattan, spoilers, river song, pic spam

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