My Amy Pond costumes progress and WIP

May 29, 2012 23:52

Hi, everybody!
It's my first post here. My name is Polina and I'am from Russia. We have here a big problems with cosplays from TV shows, movies, so I decided to stretch nevertheless a ray of light in this.
My growth of 170 cm and not such as at Karen (she has 180 cm height - please, correct me, if I mistake), but I have an open zone of growth and my attending physician told that to my 30 years I should be 180-181 cm of height.
I have a birthmark on the right cheek which I will delete in the autumn as it seems to me doesn't make up my face.
Many people say that I have a similarity to Karen Gillan, but no so accurate, as I would like. But I think in few years I will be look alike of Karen, such as stuning Rebecca :)
Now I prepare for our convention - EveryCon, which will be on 8th of September in Moscow.

I have seven incomplete costumes of Amy Pond:
- Night Terrors
I've got screen accurate oasis grey jacket and screen accurate Noa Noa West End dress( all in my size UK10-12) from Ebay. Now I just need to get screen accurate Noa Noa scarf, buy top vestto wear under dress and to buy Dr.Martens boots.
- Vimpires of Venice
I have only screen accurate skirt at this moment, but in near future will collect clothing for full ansemble.
- The Doctor's Wife/Curse of the Black Spot
I've got screen accurate Uniqlo shirt( I have two in S size, not my, but suits perfect and I'am so happy, that I've got them just for 14$ each) and today come in the mail screen accurate Topshop jacket from sweetiest Australia( Very-very big thanks to wingsunfurled! Jacket is awesome! Cheers!). Must get SA skirt and buy Dr.Martens.
- Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone
Will get in next week American Apparel red hoodie. Will buy in july similar black skirt, grey leggins( yes! She actually wear leggins and NOT tights! I will show photo) and Converse shoes.
- Kissogram
I have only 4 panel Topshop skirt. I will be in this costume at our local con, so I will collect items and clothing for this first.
For the future 7 series I have vintage (SA? mine looks SA for me) glass necklace, which I got from Etsy. Don't remember the name of the shop, but it was last one with A initial.
Sorry for the bad quality of photos - they are made from my phone :(

SA Noa Noa West End Wool dress in Mist Melange from "Night Terrors"

SA Oasis grey biker leather jacket from "Night Terrors"

SA black denim Topshop skirt from "Vampire of Venice" and "Space/Time"

My vintage German necklace from series 7

SA Uniqlo light cotton 3/4 sleeve shirt(pink) from "The Doctor's Wife/ Curse of the Black Sopt"

SA Uniqlo shirt(pink) + SA Topshop Saddle Stitch jacket and VoV skirt and me ;)

And my Topshop bodycon panel skirt from "Eleventh Hour"(Kissogramm)

Really, so sorry for my room and my tired face, which not so good looks like Karen :))
Will buy H.Samuel earrings and so sad, they don't have A initial necklace in stock, I will wait, when they will come..
And trying to ID her wrist swatch - I found several similar to her on ebay, etsy. I think, they're vintage and not as development gives to Karen, but I think it's her own.

Oh! I promissed.

Look at this photo of Karen from ToA/FaS and noticed, that she wears actually leggins and not tights!

Hope, it helps :)

hoodie/zippered top, jewelry, convention, episode: night terrors, skirt, companion: amy pond, episode: the eleventh hour, dress, episode: the vampires of venice, etsy, episode: the doctor's wife, shirt/blouse, episode: the curse of the black spot, brand name, shoes/boots, work in progress, jacket, episodes: space and time

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