Hello, everyone! First-time poster, long time lurker here, and this is my slightly-delayed, and kind-of lengthy, post Phoenix ComiCon write-up with a lot of pictures borrowed from my friends:
That would be Paul Bradford of Ghost Hunters International, a custom-built Dalek, my friend who does an amazing fourth Doctor, and me as "Battle Pond". I wouldn't be freaking out so much over this, except he asked to take pictures with us instead of us asking to take pictures with him.
Paul Bradford also built this amazing, frequently-posed-with, remote-controlled K-9. I think more people ended up taking photos with K-9 then any of the Ghost Hunters who were there though. I guess that K-9 just stole their thunder this past weekend.
As for my costumes? Well... Thursday & Friday:
& Sunday:
I ended up doing five costumes this year, which is more than I think I've ever done for a con before. Even though I have plenty of pictures of me dressed up as Mad Mod, (Impromptu) BBC Moriarty, and a Steampunk crossplay of Clyde Barrow, I'll be focusing on the DW related stuff. First off, I had an absolute blast going around as the Eleventh Inspector. Although, I think more vendors and guest got where it was from than attendees. Oh well, I don't think I'll ever tire of saying in an absolutely terrible "British" accent, "The question isn't where, Constable, but when." Additionally, I probably won't do this particular costume for Amy again. It was a lot of hassle, and it basically will need to be redone if I ever want to get into myself without having assistance. The armor's also slightly too large on one side, but that's a whole other story.
Before I go on, I should mention that this was also my mom's first con. I might have convinced her to cosplay as Sarah Jane:
A highlight was that the TARDIS bike made a return this year. My jealousy did as well.
The Staff badges I was equally envious of:
In hindsight, I probably told a few too many vendors to, "Shut up and take my money" this year. I blame such fantastic items as these:
In addition to the K-9 above, there was a custom-built Dalek and a TARDIS that became de-facto photo spot for Doctor Who Cosplayers.
I might've had a little bit more fun with the TARDIS than was warranted:
Although the TARDIS and Dalek weren't always were group shots ending up taking place. We did have a few impromptu group photos elsewhere:
Walking around though, you could still run into quite a lot of Doctor Who cosplayers:
There were a lot of fourth doctor cosplayers this year, including my friends Robert and Taylor (his girlfriend) who were being way too adorable:
I ran into a couple of weeping angels:
...and acouple Doctor Whooves cosplayers as well:
My friend Dennis apparently got put on TARDIS watching duty for my other friend, Josh while he was in a panel.
On Friday night, one of the local comic book shops organize an event called "Party Like A Timelord". This was the line to get in:
The line continued on until it wrapped around the corner, and it almost wrapped around another side. Needless to say, the room was packed full of Whovians:
They had a photo-op area set off to the side where I ended up getting a pretty sweet photo with a couple of new friends who were cosplaying as The Master, The Ninth Doctor, and a Cyberman... er, girl.
Throughout the night, they had a costume contest there for the people dressed up as the various regenerations and variations of The Doctor (they were scheduled to have a companion contest as well, but I don't know what happened with that. My guess is that they were ironically limited by time restraints.) The winner was Lego!Ten:
I'm probably really biased about this, but I thought my friend Buddy should've won the Doctor costume contest. Eh, he might have been a wee bit too risque:
There probably would have been more people in attendance, but I think a lot of con-going Whovians were put off by the line. It was still oodles of fun, and I hope they bring it back next year. The general reaction to the party was highly positive, after all.
Some other, and random highlights are that there were also my awkward and feeble attempts at making "Hipster Amy" into a meme:
And a few Superwholock group shots that were thrown together:
I have a lot more photos than this, but the rest of them mainly revolve around Avengers and Supernatural silliness. They're mostly on my Flickr account anyways. As you can tell, the Doctor Who fandom here is growing exponentially. Hopefully my friends and I will have a local Doctor Who charity costuming group akin to the Arizona Avengers, 501st, and /or Browncoats together by this time next year. I had a really amazing time this year. Phoenix ComiCon is one of my favourite cons to go to, and it just gets better and larger every time I go. It seems that this year, the Whovians were out in full-force. I would sincerely recommend this con to anyone who might be in the area next memorial day weekend. You won't regret it.