Title Deceit, After A Fashion
lost_spookRating All ages
Characters Zoe Heriot, Jamie McCrimmon, Second Doctor
Warnings None.
Pursuit of aliens often leads to little white lies… and trying on of 1920s dresses. (DW/House of Eliott.)
I promise I’m nearly done with these obscure crosses. Really.
“Something in teal,” suggested Evangeline Eliott, frowning as she put pins in. “The black is rather severe.”
“I like yon sparkly bits,” Jamie said, having been left out for too long.
Evie nodded. “The silver beading does lift it, I agree. Miss Heriot? Dr Smith?”
“What? Oh, yes, very nice,” said the Doctor.
“Well, now we know the signal’s not originating there,” said the Doctor, outside. “Perhaps the photographic studio below…?”
Zoe paused. “It does seem unkind to mislead Miss Eliott.”
“Zoe, haut couture is rather expensive.”
They both looked at him.
“… But I expect I’ll think of something.”