All Mixed up

Apr 13, 2004 18:03

Damn...havent updated this mofo in hella days!!! Guess i've just been too busy...LoL yeah right...Like i have a life. Well hmm since my last entry ive been overall happy i thats good right?!

However right now im sort or mixed up...Both happy and sad. Happy kuz i had hella fun last night. I had a little kick back at my house, because my parents were outta town for the noche. It was just a group of close friends though: Lupe,Cherry,Jorge,Gaby,and her man Ricardo. We got to hella get our grub on with some good ass BBQ...I <3 Carne Asada!!! And then we got to drink too...which is always a good thing. It was great kuz i didnt have to worry about getting caught i could get hella fucked up in the privacy of my own home. Even my Jorgie drank....Last night was the first time i have ever drank with his ass!! It was funny. But i was disappointed kuz even tho he was hella buzzing...he didnt turn straight!! aww man...LOL J/K that'd b NASTY!!! LoL...

But...there were some down falls. For one Lupe got caught up kuz she got picked up from mi casa earlier than she expected. She wasnt drunk....but her dad said he could smell it on her...but the shit is he said he smelt hard liquor..which is BS kuz we only drank beer. I feel horrible tho kuz i didnt want to get anyone in her dad probably wont trust me anymore and wont allow her to come over to my house. *Tear*. But thats not the worst thing. I talked to my man last night while i was drinking...and he got hella butt hurt and hung up on me!! Why...i dont know. Im not at all the "angry drunk" actually im the complete hella lovable.I dont know if he just doesnt like me drinking or what. But come on...i was at MY much safer can u get??? And he has no room to say shit kuz he's called me all fucked up MANY a times. So FUCK not even gonna trip...I enjoyed myself last night and loved spending time with my friends...and I dont regret anything.

Haha ANYWHO. Jorge ended up spending the night kuz his mom (Dora) was havin car troubles. So he was lucky kuz he didnt have to trip about hiding his buzz. LMAO our retarded asses were up til 4am takin sure he'll post them up here soon. So dont laugh kuz im FUCKED UP.hehe.

Well i think thats all thats on my mind....If i think of anything else ill put it up....Bye.
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