New Fic: Engrave Our Names on Tomorrow

Jul 02, 2016 04:27

From DW2

Title: Engrave our names on Tomorrow
Rating: M (violence, language)
Pairing: Miranda/Andy
Word Count: ~135,000

1943. Under the German Occupation Paris is a city blacked-out at night, and dark even on the sunniest days. The rest of France fares no better.

Andy Sachs and her friends came to Paris in 1938, during the last peaceful fall that the City of Light would know for five years. Several years on, their stay can no longer be termed a 'working vacation.' Andy's begun to see things as they are, instead of the way she'd like them to be, and she's realized that she should've become angry quite some time ago.

Miranda Priestly came to France in 1918, just after the previous war, and what she rebuilt from ruin is under threat of destruction yet again. She's been aware and angry for a long time, and all the while she's been putting that anger to use. Miranda is someone that the Nazis both hate and fear but whom they dare not attempt to harm, not overtly, anyway.

Andy's heard of Miranda, but just a mention, and she never guessed at the time what that mention would one day spur into existence.

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned; scorning two is a really bad idea.

Disclaimer: All recognizable characters belong to Lauren Weisberger and Twentieth Century Fox. This is a work of fanfiction for the purposes of not-for-profit entertainment, and as such constitutes fair use.

Acknowledgements: Thanks go to my wonderful Editors Three: law_nerd, mayIreadtoday, and chainofclovers. These three ladies were undaunted in the face of the monstrous wordcount, and each of their contributions has been invaluable. Thank you so much, all three of you, for helping to make me a better writer.

A/N: A few Notes precede the first part of the story.
Per usual... Con-crit is welcome, and thanks in advance.

Engrave Our Names on Tomorrow @ AO3

Happy Tenth, DWP!


user: needled_ink1975

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