One Shot Wednesdays. 6 Days...

Jun 30, 2016 17:56

Title: One Shot Wednesdays.  July 2016.
Fandom(s):  Devil Wears Prada + ???
Characters:  usually some combination of Miranda, Andrea, Emily...
Word Count:  at least 500 words
Rating: anything goes ;)
Beta:  please give them a nod when you post!
Summary:  If you write 100 words a day and then edit and post, you could still be on time for July 6th.
Disclaimer:  don't forget the anti-litagation charm as they say in HP

I have something to post for July 6.  Who else is typing away???

Come on 500 words on any Wednesday in July, you can do it!!!!

It's the TEN YEAR ANNIVERSARY this year.  Let's do this!!!


Need prompts???

How many words is the Cerulean Speech?  What other speech would you like to hear Miranda give?  What is she doing and to whom while she gives this speech?

Snoop Dogg's POV watching Miranda watch Andy...

Andy NYC.  MP Paris.  Andy has pregnancy craving that Miranda has to fulfill from miles away during the busiest week of her year and while her best people are with her in Paris.

Cruella dealing with baby dragon and AS and MP trying to hide amusement.

Miranda's reaction to streakers during photoshoot.  Either she is on location or she sees the photos later.  Nigel thought it would be funny to give her those ones and not the re-done ones...

The twins are in love with their drama teacher.  AS/MP are a bit terrified when they meet her.  It's CD.

It was a dark and stormy night...

The twins call Andy b/c their mom is at an event and they have flooded the townhouse.  Is Andy at event with MP?  How does she handle it w/o letting MP know?  Do they go to Andy's place?  How does she get MP to her house?  Does she have a crew working round the clock in an effort to hide what happened?  Is Emily helpful or not?

challenge: dragon days, user: punky_96, length: 500

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