An Unplanned Life

May 26, 2011 00:02

Title: An Unplanned Life
Author: sammalkorva 
Fandom: TDWP/au
Disclaimer: I would love to own the Devil Wears Prada, but I don't.
Pairings: Miranda/Andy
Rating: It is heating up.......
Summary: I suck with summaries. So you just have to read it. Sorry.
A/N: Conteins rape and some other things. Angsty, but it has happy ending.

Beta: Wonderful flyhiwithme2 . Thank you for doing this for me.
Credits: For beautiful insix who made me believe I can do this and encouraged me the whole way.. Thank you.

This is my first ever written story in english. So I really would like to know what you guys think about this..

Thank you for all of your comments.. it is much appreciated. :)

Chapter 5

Andy put Miranda’s coffee on the table and set the magazines on their place. She heard Miranda’s heels clicking on the floor when she got to her desk and waited to take Miranda’s coat and bag. She couldn’t look Miranda in the eye when she took them.
Emily wasn’t in yet when Miranda called Andy to her office.
“Yes, Miranda.”
“Close the door and sit.” Miranda waited till she sat. “I’m not going to say I’m sorry. Because I’m not. I am an married, old fool with twins. I was wrong to think that I would have a chance with someone half of my age. You are a young woman with future and I am not in your future. We wont talk about this again. That’s all!” Miranda didn’t look at her even once.
Andy’s mouth was hanging open when she left from Miranda’s office. Her life just turned out to be a nightmare. She wanted to talk to Miranda. To explain at least. Now that door was closed.

Miranda put her through hell. She worked her out like it was her duty to punish her for some reason. She hadn’t done anything wrong. The only thing that she didn’t want to do was break her heart. Was she selfish because of that? It was too much to cope with.
‘Hey Six!’ Nigel was cheerful. ‘You and me out tonight!’
‘Nige.. I don’t feel like it.’
‘Oh..yes you do. You look like hell. You need something fun!’ Nigel sat on the corner of her desk.
Andy thought for a minute. ‘Okay.. just for a little while.’

Before she knew it she had had too many drinks. Nigel was sitting on the sofa when she went to get the whiskey bottle.'Six, I was wondering. Just tell me if I should stop, but.. What’s eating you up?'
Andy sat down and gave Nigel his drink.
'What do you mean?'
'you know.. Why do you have this sad look on your face sometimes? What keeps you at arms length from everyone? You had your chance with those guys but you didn't take it.' So, Nigel had seen her at the bar with those men.
'First of all. Men aren't my type. Secondly, i don’t feel like dating anyone.'
Nigel shifted on his seat. 'So you are telling me you’re gay?'
'Yeah, Nige. I’m gay.'
'Then why didn't you take that blonde's number?' The woman had been cute and beautiful.
'You saw that?' Nigel noded.'Well she wasn't my type.'
'Really Andy.. What's up?'
Andy took deep breath. 'Do you really want to know? This might take some time.'
'Yes, I want to know because you are my friend and I care about you. We have all night to talk.'
'Okay. You asked for this.' She put her glass away.

'I was in love once. Her name was Amalia. Our love was so deep you could drown in it. We had planned our future. Kids, marriage, home, everything you can possible imagine.'
'So you were in love. Did she break your heart?'
'Yes and no. It was her birthday. I had planned romantic outing together.' She took her pendant from under her blouse.'I gave this to her, my heart.' Nigel looked at it. A simple but beautiful jewel.
'I wanted to walk back home and so we did. There was a car coming our away. Someone rolled window down and yelled, ”fucking dykes! Die! Die! Die!” And that man shot at us hitting only Amalia. She died in my arms telling me she loved me..' Nigel was silent and didn't know what to say.
'Her mother is still blaming me.. As much as I am blaming myself for her death. I know it wasn't me who shot her but it could have just been me. I wanted to walk home not her.' She felt tear on her cheek.
'Six.. I’m sorry. I didn't know.'
'Well, now you know.'

Finally Nigel understood how Andy felt. There wasn't a thing to say to change this. She was living her hell by losing her loved one. 'I thought I had gotten over it when I came back here. Obviously I wasn't. Every feeling was raw again.. Fighting emotions to just get through the next hour. That's why I love working at runway. I don't have time to think.' It was better than just staying at home and probably drinking her mind numb.
'So you are here and working.. Getting it together. Believe me.. You need to start living again and this gave me an idea. You are going to have a date on Friday.'
'No Nigel,no.'
'Yes you are. What is holding you back? Is there someone else in your mind?'
Andy thought for a moment. Miranda didn't want her anymore,so why not.
'Okay. It’s a date.'

This is my last update for to day.. for me anyways..

pairing: andy/miranda, genre: au, all: fiction, user: sammalkorva

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