An Unplanned Life

May 25, 2011 20:37

Title: An Unplanned Life
Author: sammalkorva 
Fandom: TDWP/au
Disclaimer: I would love to own the Devil Wears Prada, but I don't.
Pairings: Miranda/Andy
Rating: It is heating up.......
Summary: I suck with summaries. So you just have to read it. Sorry.
A/N: Conteins rape and some other things. Angsty, but it has happy ending.

Beta: Wonderful flyhiwithme2 . Thank you for doing this for me.
Credits: For beautiful insix who made me believe I can do this and encouraged me the whole way.. Thank you.

This is my first ever written story in english. So I really would like to know what you guys think about this..

Thank you for all of your comments.. it is much appreciated. :)

Chapter 4

Andy arrived at the restaurant early only because Miranda was always early.  She was eager to see the older woman even though she why they were here. Miranda wanted to know.. for the first time in her life she felt like she was ready to tell someone an outsider about Amalia and she was happy it was Miranda.

Andy was waiting and waiting. An hour later she paid for her water and left. She was disappointed and felt like a fool. Andy knew  Miranda was an important  person but she didn't understand why she asked her to have a dinner with her if she couldn't come. Or even call if she didn't make it. It seemed to be important to the older woman to have this dinner but obviously it wasn't.. She felt a little used, but that she was. Just an ant working for the queen.

At home she just lay on her bed. She loved her red dress with deep v-neck and she wanted to see Miranda’s reaction. Now she will never know. She took her dress off and hung it up so she could take it back tomorrow to Runway. She couldn't do anything to change how she felt and she had a feeling she will never know why Miranda never came. Miranda never explained her actions. At least not to her assistants.
Sleep claimed her fast.

Aaaannndyyyyyy....Aaaaannnnndyyyyyyy.... A sweet  voice of a woman called her from her sleep. ‘God damn it! WAKE UP!’
Andy jumped up form her bed.
Amalia was standing next to her bed. ‘Good, you're up!”
‘Am-Amalia?’ She was confused.
“Yes Darling. It’s me.”
“But... but you’re dead.” She tried  to cover up her her naked body
“Oh.. please. I have seen you naked before. Besides this is your dream. Love...’” Amalia came closer. “We need to talk.” She touch her face and Andy leaned on her touch closing her eyes.
“I missed you.” She whispered to Amalia.
“I know.. I miss you too.. but you are making it hard.”
Andy’s eyes snapped open. “What do you mean?”
“That BOSS of yours. Miranda.”
“Wha..What about her?”
“You really thought  I didn’t know. You are mooning over her like a teenage girl! And then you want me to miss you!” Amalia slapped her.

Andy woke up confused. She felt tingling on her cheek that was fading fast, but she still felt it. Amalia was angry with her because she wanted to love again.. Wanted to start her life. her  heart was crying in pain and hurt. That Amalia who she knew would have never hit her or be jealous of someone or something if it made Andy happy.
The next day she didn’t see Miranda all day. She called only Emily who was happy to make Andy do all the hard work. Getting dresses, going to Tiffany’s, coffee. What ever she made up. She made Andy to do it. When she got her lunchtime she called Doug and Lily who met her at near by cafeteria. She told them about her dream leaving a few things out.. Like Miranda.
‘Love, You know it was just a dream.’ Lily took her hand.
‘Wow.. You’re dating.’ Doug said. ‘Is it someone at work?’
Lily hit her friend. “Shut it. She has a emotional problem and you want to know who!”
“Don’t act like you don’t want to know yourself!”
Andy stopped their bickering.
‘Yes it is someone at work but I wont tell you before I even know myself what this is. I am afraid it is nothing. It ended before it even begin.’ She leaned back on her chair and lay her eyes on her hands.
‘Oh..I’m sorry darling.” Lily told her with concern in her eyes.
‘No don’t. It’s better this way.'
‘Andy, It was just a dream. Maybe you saw it because you are scared to love someone..  You loved Amalia so much and you lost her. Now you are having those feelings for someone else.. don’t deny it, but you are scared of losing someone you care for much.”
Lily looked at Doug with surprise on her face. “You just made sense.”
Andy thought about Doug’s words.
‘You are right,” she said and she was afraid to lose someone she cared for, loved. She couldn’t take it again. Silenty promising to herself to forget Miranda. Her heart loved Miranda, but she wasn’t ready to lose her love again.

That evening when she was delivering the Book to Miranda, she was called to the woman’s study. When she stepped in. The door was closed behind her and the lock was turned. She turned around and saw Miranda leaning against the door facing the floor. She put the Book on the woman’s table.
‘What else can I do for you?’ She looked at Miranda who still found the floor very fascinating. Still no answer. “Whatever it is, I don’t think you'll find it on that floor.” That got Miranda’s attention.
“Yes, no. I needed to tell you something.”
Miranda finally looked at her. Her guard was down, which Andy found interesting. She was so beautiful that it took Andy’s breath away.
Miranda sighed. ‘I’m sorry.’ Miranda took a seat on sofa and pointed for Andy to take a seat. ‘I couldn’t get away from home. The twins wanted to have a movie night and Stephen was home.” She took Andy’s hand. ‘Can we try this again?’

Miranda just said she was sorry. Andy had a hard time processing everything that Miranda was saying. She was still hanging onto the ‘I’m sorry’ part. Miranda never did that and now she was doing exactly that.
“Please, darling. Say something?”
Miranda’s words were hanging in the air and Andy didn’t know what to say first. She looked at the woman and remembered her promise to herself.
“Miranda, please. Let’s not do this. I can’t do this. We can’t do this.” She got up and started to walk at the door.
“Please, don’t. I just can’t do this. Not again.”
Andrea opened the door and left. Her heart wanted to go back but her mind told her not to. That it is better this way. Her heart was beating fast and it felt like bursting. Tears were running down her face messing up her makeup. She didn’t care..
Cold wind hit her. Stinging her face, but it didn’t matter.  She wanted to go home and curl up in her bed. Sleep and forget this evening.

‘Love, now I can miss you with my whole body.’ Amalia’s whisper woke her. She felt a naked body against her back. Traveling hands were all over her own naked body. It made her feel hot and wet. She turned and captured Amalia’s lips. She moaned her name when she felt her lover’s hand between her legs. ‘You are so ready for me. I like that.’ She entered Andy with two fingers, slowly bumping. ‘You like this.’
‘More..’ She looked at her lover’s blue eyes.
Four fingers in her. She closed her eyes moaning.
‘You are so beautiful.’ A woman’s voice told her and she open her eyes to only see Miranda.
‘Oh God! I want you!’ She groaned taking Miranda deeper in her. Kissing her hard. Suddenly she felt her orgasm building up. “Oh Miranda.. Please.. Please!” She felt the woman’s thumb on her clit. It was all that it took to take her over.

Andy woke sweating. Her bed was wet from her sweat and cum. She felt good for a second and then she remembered her promise to herself. No Miranda, no heartache. But she felt it was too late for that. She was in love with Miranda for real. Not just in her dreams.

Should I forget this story or not?

pairing: andy/miranda, genre: au, all: fiction, user: sammalkorva

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