Trans education

May 15, 2023 19:20

I didn't write this.

Trans man/masc = someone who was assigned a gender other than male at birth and who’s gender is male or masculine. They may experience dysphoria, socially transition, medically transition, or not.

Trans woman/femme = someone who was assigned a gender other than female at birth, who’s gender is female or feminine. They may experience dysphoria, socially transition, medically transition or not.

Social transitioning includes things such as changing one’s name, appearance, gender markers on documents, and otherwise participating in society as their correct gender.

Medical transition includes things such as hormone therapy, hair removal, hair implants, surgery to change facial shapes, surgical removal or modification of reproductive organs such as a hysterectomy, breast implants or mastectomy, and creating a phallus or a vulva/vagina.

This last category of surgery is the one that is used for the most fear mongering and is likely the surgery you’re asking about. Many trans people have it, but many don’t. It’s up to that individual person. Some trans people need or want to go through some or all of the surgeries so they can more comfortably exist in their bodies. Some trans people don’t. Some people want to and can’t because of politicians or insurance companies or access to good doctors. Or the risk of losing their job/family/etc. Etc. The science and techniques available is likely not as advanced as it could be for political and funding reasons as well.

Gender affirming care, which includes medical transition, mental health care, and aspects of social transition has been proven to be effective, and the best treatment for trans people.

Acceptance and support by their family drastically reduces the suicide risk of trans children and access to gender affirming care and social support and acceptance does the same for trans people of all ages. Unfortunately the right has decided that being anti-trans is another hill to die on and are pushing for the genocide of all gender non-conforming people (this will include masculine appearing cis women etc etc) by passing more and more restrictive laws and trying to make it as illegal as they possibly can for us to exist and get care. There’s a lot of intersections with racism, sexism, and the continuing promotion of capitalism and greed, but there’s tons of articles out there that talk about all the nuances way better than I could.

No, they absolutely are not doing any surgical body modification of trans children. Trans children can receive medication that prevents them from going into puberty so that they have the time and space to grow and learn themselves without hormones making any permanent changes to their bodies. Cis children have been receiving the same medication for decades to prevent puberty when it happens at too early an age, so it has been medically proven safe and effective and doesn’t cause any irreparable damage. Other than that mostly those children are socially transitioning and may have access to things like legal transition via name changing and gender marker changes on documents. People like to clutch their pearls about non-existent genital surgery for trans children, but they then ignore that genital modification/mutilation is routinely performed on intersex infants and male babies, without those babies consent and against medical and scientific evidence that those practices are harmful. 🤷 They also like to talk about permanent body changes and being too young while putting their tiny tots in ballerina classes or similar, which does make permanent changes to the body.

There likely aren’t any transgender men who want to be playing women’s sports, however if laws pass to prevent them from playing with cis men, then their only choice will be to play on women’s teams or not play at all.

Now I think you meant to ask how many trans women are playing on women’s team and the answer is not many and who cares??? They don’t have an advantage, and many cis women have more testosterone than they do etc. Etc.

The outrage over this non-existent problem is causing horrific consequences for all women, girls, and any non binary or gender queer people etc. Playing women’s sports. Just look at Caster Semenya who is a cis woman runner with a naturally high level of testosterone and has been forced to not compete or take hormone blockers and been subject to all sorts of invasions into her life, career, and body. Other horrors include laws at least being proposed that would give the ability to force young girls undergo genital examinations at any accusation of being trans. Seriously the entire problem is made up and only used for fear mongering and political capital.

Trans people just want to exist and be happy and live without pain and persecution like any other human. The human experience is so vast and varied it’s laughable to think it can be confined to such narrow definitions as male and female as determined by whether or not you have one particular organ or not. It gets especially hilarious that people want to define it as such when you get into biology and realize just how much natural body and genetic variation there is. Everything is a spectrum and messy and blurry. 🌈🏳
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