
Last midterms ever?

Jun 02, 2008 07:07

I'm trying to install Vista, and I understand the anger and frustration one can feel towards computers. I've run into computer problem after computer problem.

I need to study but I am too frustrated to move on. I need to have my computer fixed first.

But, some ADD'ing at 6am led me to articles on Blackwater. Look it up.

Which brings me to two thoughts.

1. I like forums, but I really hate some posters. I esp. hate the pseudo-intellectuals that try to present an argument, but make such elementary grammatical errors such as confusing "to" and "too." I'm too lazy to post that example here, but I get so sad reading some of these idiots' stuff. Another example:

"Blackwater is awesome. Served over seas and worked hand in hand with these guys. They are totally legit. They work and act completely professional. Love the company and want to work for them. Do your own research, don't just take some morans artical as gospel." (taken from http://iraqforsale.bravenewfilms.org/blog/344-blackwater-runs-red)

Um, I think he meant "moron" and not "moran." Jesus, it took me a second to figure out what a "morans" was. Oh, and did you notice "article" is spelled wrong too? Who's the moron now?

2. My research is incomplete, but it looks like Blackwater is pretty evil. And its founder is a billionaire. Thoughts of serving my country through enlistment were again swayed by the risks of putting my life into greedy "opportunists" (aka predators) or self-serving politicians, instead of the land I love. I must find another way... and that thought led me back to why I should get back to studying and not fail midterms.

I'm sleep deprived but I must push on. Please cheer me on.
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