Aug 10, 2006 13:34
So I wake up at the crack or noon today. I over slept and missed Algebra...again. I am going to drop that class. My fault I guess for taking 19 hours this trimester. I really should only bite off what I can realisticlly chew. Speaking of eating. I'm done.
So I stumbled down stairs and hit the fridge. I went with the two Lean Pockets (r) featuring the chicken fajita. Ya, remember when comedian Jim Gaffigan said "Warning, you just ate a Hot Pocket!" Shit, that was not a good idea. I have never eaten a Hot Pocket and then thought, "that was a good idea."
Back to me stopping eating. So I follow up my meal and coke with sitting on the couch and turn on the big screen TV. I go straight to the movie channels because, why the fuck not. If I'm gonna over sleep, over eat, I might as well kill the rest of the afternoon on the couch. So I find...Super Size Me...
I watched the whole thing. Now, I saw it years ago, when I was a bit smaller. But, fuck me, I can't believe that eating shit fast food can cause depression and erectile dysfunction. Now, all cops can attest to the fact that we never get the best of foods but, I got to looking about my diet and it is no wonder I have gained so much weight. So, with this in mind, I am done eating fast foods. No more. If I am not going to be able to eat at home then I must either take a sack lunch or starve. I'm thinking that starving might be a bit extreme.
I am also going to do this publicly. I am posting periodic blogs on my Live Journal account as well as My Space page. As of today I weigh 233 pounds. What I need from the people that read this is periodic "reminders" to stay at it. So... if you must, call me a fat ass or something. But, I find "positive feedback" works best.
Now what are the secrets? Am I going to start some celebrity diet? No. Weight loss is simple. If you burn more calories then you eat, you will lose weight. Unless you have some illness or something, which I don't yet have. So, we will have water a milk for drinks and will not eat a lot of bad foods. Day 1.........August 10, 2006