I'm not hungover, I'm just going through party withdrawal

Jan 01, 2012 19:04

Well happy the year the world is apparently going to end! I won't even see my twenty-first according to this shit, lame. Why can't I be legal now?

Back to school in two weeks... Break has been much too fast for my liking. Back to the grindstone and all that shit, but my light at the end of the tunnel is summer vacation and all I can say is thank fuck for it. I do like going to school and being on my own (well, at least semi) and all that stuff, but I feel like I'm wasting all this money on school when I truly and honestly do not know what I want to do. I feel like there's this big dooms day clock hanging over my head counting down to when my eight semesters are up and I'm really afraid that it's not going to be enough. I want to do that whole soul searching schtick, I guess, but I think I'll always come back to the same answer that I like stuff but how do I make a career out of it? Hockey, photography, downtime. Those are possibly my three favorite things. I just feel like I like doing a bunch of dumb stuff, but dumb stuff doesn't really count for much.

Eh, maybe the world really is going to end. Then everything won't matter much, will it?

college, life, whiny whine whine

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