Sun Screen, Carmel Tans and Rainbow Umbrellas

Feb 02, 2013 02:51

Title: Sun Screen, Carmel Tans and Rainbow Umbrellas
Pairing: Kai/Kyungsoo, Minor!Baekhyun/Chanyeol
Length: 4,529k
Rating: PG (mostly)
Genre: Fluff, Comedy, Crack-ish
Summary: Kyungsoo already hates the beach. The last thing he needs is an attractive yet annoying life guard with a really nice carmel tan and kissable lips bothering him... and friends that think they are helping, but are actually just bringing him one step closer to premature death. But it'll all be ok--he has his sun screen.

“I’m meeeeeeeeelllttttinggggggg.” Kyungsoo screeches as he drags his nails down his face, and in his head he imagines his flesh and bones slowly molding into a pile of green goo. Much like the Wicked Witch of the West, but less witch-y and more awkward Korean male.

Even though Baekhyun's Ray Bans were covering his eyes, Kyungsoo could tell he was rolling his them. “Stop being dramatic, Kyungsoo.”

“I’m not being dramatic, I can literally feel my epidermis slowly beginning to boil already.” Kyungsoo continues to screech, and he holds his arms over his eyes like a vampire (the kind that doesn’t sparkle of course) would when faced with sunlight for the first time.

“You’re starting to look like a lobster,” Chanyeol announces, like an excited child would when he finds out that he’s having coco puffs for breakfast.

Kyungsoo slaps on his bitchface (he knew hanging out with Kris would rub off on him eventually), riled up and ready to start the same rant that he had been well rehearsed in the car. “And whose fault is that, hmm? \Who wanted to come to the beach? It sure wasn’t my brilliant idea.” Kyungsoo turns to glower at Byun Baekhyun, the founder and chief coordinator of this supposed ‘vacation’.

“For the fiftieth time, I’m sorry I forgot the sunscreen! Sheesh. Such a woman sometimes.” Baekhyun props himself up with his elbows from where he is sitting in the sand, lifting his sunglasses in the process so he can throw Kyungsoo an exasperated look.

“How could you forget that I burn like bacon in a pan of sizzling oil!? Remember last time we came to the beach?” Kyungsoo retorts, dismissing Baekhyun's half-hearted apology. Chanyeol nods along and excitedly pokes Baekhyun in the cheek at the mention of bacon. Baekhyun swats the other boy away.

“Oh, I remember that. You were like a giant marshmallow except you were pink and it was cute. But now you’re not pink anymore. I kinda miss it. You’re still squishy though.” Chanyeol adds yet again, another obnoxious smile plastered on his face, and he doesn’t seem to understand how this could be potentially insulting to someone. Kyungsoo self-consciously crosses his arms around his midsection upon hearing the other boy’s attempt at a compliment.

“Maybe if you try really, really hard, you will actually have fun.” Suho inputs, a genuine smile on his face for he sincerely wants everyone to have a good time. Typical Suho, ever the (grand)fatherly figure.

“I am one hundred percent positive that no matter what happens, I will not have fun. At. All." Kyungsoo pauses dramatically to really emphasize the fact he doesn't want to be there.

Suho gives a weak smile, already about to optimistically rebuttal Kyungsoo, but Baekhyun speaks before Suho can start.

"Fine, be that way. Just sit here and be a party pooper, Do Kyungsoo. We, on the other hand, will be playing in the ocean." Baekhyun lets out a huff of annoyance, sticks his tongue out at Kyungsoo and drags both Chanyeol and Sehun toward the massive body of water in front of them.

"Yea well, have fun drowning in that giant sink of filth and pee and oil!" Kyungsoo feebly calls after them, but Baekhyun is already too far away to hear him. Now alone, Kyungsoo finally opens up his giant rainbow beach umbrella (it's not that fruity, ok), lays out his fluffy white towel, and pulls on a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt. Yes, he might look crazy wearing long sleeves and pants in 85 degree weather, but he doesn't care. Kyungsoo would be willing to sweat buckets in the stead of excruciatingly painful red and flesh pink sunburns.


It doesn't take Kyungsoo very long to start sweating, and if it was this hot at mid morning, how hot would it be in the afternoon?

To take his mind off of his sweaty glands, Kyungsoo tries to read a book. Pride and Prejudice, a classic novel that talks about love and class warfare--it doesn't get any better than this for Kyungsoo. He is dying to know what will become of the Bennett sisters. Unfortunately, it's a little hard to concentrate, especially when he can hear Chanyeol's loud, deep, booming laughter all the way from his blanket.

Kyungsoo tries to read on, but the laughter grows more distracting as both Baekhyun and Sehun join in too. Eventually, Kyungsoo can't take it any more. He snaps his book shut, and his perspiration has grown more as it was almost one now, the sun already shining high and bright in the sky. Kyungsoo sighs. He is finally starting to feel lonely.

Should I go join them? Kyungsoo wonders. I mean even if I don't have my swim suit today, I can go and talk to them at least.. but no, what am I saying, I'll get burned alive out there! But maybe I can try at least... Kyungsoo stands up under the umbrella and looks at the vast expanse of golden sand that has been soaking up the rays of sun for hours. He tentatively pokes his big toe cautiously into the grainy material. He pulls back immediately as he feels the searing heat the sand radiated, and in his head, the sand is the equivalent to a sea of scorching lava. Kyungsoo would have to cross this fiery field of death if he wanted to be with his friends. He would have to make a run for it. Determined now, Kyungsoo poises himself, his body pulled back into a runner’s stance.

"Well, if I don't make it back alive....I love you mama," Kyungsoo announces aloud to himself. Right as Kyungsoo is about to launch himself onto the hazardous confines of the beach, a voice startles him.

"What are you doing?"

Kyungsoo stands up normally now as the owner of the voice slowly meanders his way over to Kyungsoo.

The stranger is probably about Sehun's age of about 18 and is clad in nothing but red swim trunks that really stand out against the Carmel color of his skin. He is thin but muscular, and his abs, though not extremely obvious and bulky, are well-defined.

Oh wow. Kyungsoo is enjoying the view and he tries to sum up his thoughts about the other boy.

The tan stranger is just hot. And not in the bad way this time.

Kyungsoo holds his breath as the stranger inches closer and finally, when he is standing in front of the umbrella, Kyungsoo can see that he is even more attractive than he had originally thought.

"Uh, yes?" Kyungsoo squeaks.

"I was just wondering what you were doing." The boy replies coolly.

"I was about to risk my life for the sake of companionship." Kyungsoo informs him seriously.

The stranger lets out a laugh at Kyungsoo's explanation. "Someone is a little dramatic."

"Hey, I was serious!!" Kyungsoo does not appreciate being laughed at by strangers, attractive or not.

The stranger puts a hand over his mouth to hide more laughter. Kyungsoo scowls at him. This guy doesn't even know him-- he doesn't understand his poor, delicate body.

"You realize it's like 90 degrees, right." Tan Stranger gestures down to Kyungsoo's clothes.

"I have no desire to melt, burn, crisp, fry, or spontaneously combust." Kyungsoo explains sarcastically.

"Ever hear of sunscreen?" Tan Stranger smirks at him, as if Kyungsoo is stupid or something.

Despite the fact that Kyungsoo's heart started doing summersaults the moment Tan Stranger smirked, he ignores it, bantering back instead, "No shit Sherlock, of course I know what sunscreen is. But my so-called friend happened to forget my sunscreen." Kyungsoo narrows his eyes at Baekhyun, who is wrestling with Chanyeol in the waves.

"Pfft. Talk about high maintenance." Tan Stranger snorts.

Kyungsoo glares at him. "Excuse you, do you want know what I look like after a day at the beach? It's not pretty."

"I do know, actually. My skin used to be like yours, before I became a lifeguard... Ok, so maybe not as translucent or womanly as yours. But details, details."

Oh. Well that explained the tan skin, red swim trunks and nice abs.

Kyungsoo's takes to looking offended at Tan (lifeguard) Stranger’s insult.

"Excuse me Mr. Lifeguard, don't you have lives to be saving or something, instead of sitting around and harassing innocent beach goers?"

"I'm on break, and I happened to see a strange sight. Which just so happened to be you." Tan Stranger grins.

Kyungsoo's glare returns. "As if the beach wasn't already bad enough before, now I need to deal with judgmental life guards?"

Tan Stranger looks amused at Kyungsoo's melodramatic self.

"Well uh, Mr. Dramatic--"

"That's Kyungsoo to you, Mr. Lifeguard," Kyungsoo interjects.

"And that's Kai to you, Mr. Beach Goer."

Kai, huh?

Even the guy's name is attractive. Kyungsoo fanboys to himself on the inside.

"Well, since I guess I understand where you're coming from, I will be so kind as to offer you some sunscreen if you would like. Unless my peasantly sunscreen isn't good enough to touch your fair skin, Princess Kyungsoo. " Kai's stupid (but sexy) smirk is back with vengeance and Kyungsoo feels his face heat up (he has a feeling it isn't from the sun either).

"I guess I can allow this just once. Even royalty has to make sacrifices sometimes." Kyungsoo sniffs haughtily, and if Kai was going to make fun of him, then he was going to embrace it dammit.

Kyungsoo thinks he might have gotten a little too in character when he threatens to castrate Kai for laughing at a royal.


"Take it off!"

And somehow the two had ended up at the lifeguard's station, with Kyungsoo half dressed and Kai tugging at his clothes in an attempt to strip him.

"You can't make me!" Kyungsoo flails to try and loosen Kai's grasp on his hoodie.

"The hell I can." Kai tugs the black fabric harder.

"I don't need to take this from you!!" Kyungsoo hisses and wiggles some more.

"How are we supposed to put sunscreen on you if you don't take off your clothes?" Kai gives him a pointed look.

Damn Kai and his damned logical logic.

"Uh-well-but..." Kyungsoo flushes and trails off because there was no way he could finish with the truth that he didn't want to bear his slightly pudgy and pale chest to the sexy tan Lifeguard.

"What, are you afraid that I will be so grossed out by your lack of abs and the eerie whiteness of your stomach?" Kai teases cockily.

"Pfft Psh-" Kyungsoo starts to do that sputtering thing he does when is nervous.

"Omigod, that's totally why!" Kai exclaims gleefully upon seeing Kyungsoo's frozen expression.

"I'm just very uncomfortable with my body. Not all of us have toned bodies like you, ok?" Kyungsoo explains lamely.

"Glad to see you have been checking out my tanned perfection." Kai teases with a cheeky grin.

"E-excuse you. What are you even saying." Kyungsoo mumbles because he is faintly aware of the pink that is probably dusting his cheeks.

Eventually they do manage to get Kyungsoo out of his protective clothing, much to Kyungsoo's dismay.

Kyungsoo tenses up as he anticipates Kai's hands on his bare skin, and when he doesn't feel anything after a while, he turns around to see Kai sitting there with a concentrated look, enchantment stretched across his handsome features.

"What is taking so long?" Kyungsoo asks, more surprised than alarmed.

"Your's so...beautiful." Kai murmurs the words soft and low and Kyungsoo almost dies of embarrassment. What the hell is he saying?!

"Yah, Shut up and lather me up already!" Kyungsoo turns around once he sees Kai reach for the sunscreen, pink dustings now speckles of red.

"My pleasure, princess~" is the last thing Kyungsoo hears before slick hands are pressed to his back. Goosebumps break out across his skin and Kai takes his sweet time rubbing the greasy lotion onto Kyungsoo.

Kai take pleasure in torturing Kyungsoo when he finds out that he has very ticklish sides. Kai also enjoys watching Kyungsoo involuntarily shiver when he rubs small, unnecessary circles into the older's shoulder blades.

The whole process ends up taking a lot longer than necessary, and Kyungsoo has trouble hiding his disappointment when Kai tells him he has to go back on duty.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow, then?" Kai calls from the door of the station, the red support floatie and whistle already hanging around his neck.

"Maybe. Maybe not!" Kyungsoo replies childishly.

Kai laughs and trots away to his post, taking that for as good as a yes.


"Something must be wrong."

"Maybe the heat got to him?"

"Heat stroke."

" Yeol, that's not how heat stroke works."


"Anyways...this has never happened before."

"Kyungsoo must be broken!"

"Guys, I can hear you. I'm sitting right here." Kyungsoo announces to a concerned Baekhyun and Chanyeol who sit whispering about the well-being of their friend. The friend who so normally fights and struggles at the mention of a beach, yet now seems willing, and maybe even excited to go.

"Just...what happened to you?! You haven't complained about going to the beach once this's not normal." Baekhyun explains in worried disbelief.

"Nothing happened. I think I might have finally found something interesting at the beach though." Kyungsoo keeps his voice neutral and holds back any blushing that goes along with imagining Kai in his red swimsuit.

"Interesting you say? Like wha- Hold up. Are you blushing right now?" Baekhyun's worried disbelief morphs into curious disbelief.

"Nooooooo." Kyungsoo moans sheepishly.


"WHAT DOES IT MEAN BAEK?" Chanyeol is smiling, his face splitting into a grin that only appears when he is truly amused.



"What's his name? How old is he? How did you meet him? Why haven't we met him yet?" Baekhyun rambles excitedly to a shy Kyungsoo.

"Well I just met him. And uh, his name is Kai. He's a lifeguard."

Chanyeol let's out a long whistle of appreciation upon hearing this. He has always been a fan of swimmer bods.
Baekhyun sends him a deadly glare. ("Don't worry Baek, I'll always love Bacon the most~" is the best Chaneyol can offer to an angry Baekhyun)

Kyungsoo continues on. "He lent me some sun screen. Actually, he helped me put it on too." Cue more obnoxiously innocent, yet adorable blushing on Kyungsoo's behalf.

"Awwww look at that, Channie. Kyungie really likes him. Well, you are in luck son, for Byun Baekhyun and Park Chanyeol are here to save the day. And your love life!"

Kyungsoo looks terrified at this promise. "No, no, I can take care of myself--"

Kyungsoo stops talking, in a state of shock, when Baekhyun dumps the entirety of the new bottle of name brand sunscreen, that he had bought last night, all over the ground. "You won't be needing that anymore." Baekhyun pats himself for a job well done.

"Byun. Baekhyun. DO YOU WANT ME TO SHRIVEL UP AND DIE?" Kyungsoo explodes finally, cringing internally and externally at his life support that was now in a puddle on the ground.

"Now Kyungsoo baby, work with me here. You no longer have any sunscreen. Oh no, who ever can save my fair skin and dainty face? Why, Sir Kai and his ever magical sunscreen, of course!" Baekhyun looks too pleased with himself.

Kyungsoo is totally about to protest Baekhyun's merciless exploitation plot, but stops when he realizes that it was actually a pretty good idea.


And so Kyungsoo manages to "forget" his sun screen day after day, and though Kai's teasing gets annoying, it’s well worth it. Kyungsoo gets to see the lifeguard every day, gets to feel his strong hands and soft touches as sunscreen is applied to his back. The best part, however, is probably that Kai lingers by Kyungsoo long after he is safely coated, choosing to spend breaks with him, and sometimes, even when he’s on duty too. There’s never a dry moment around Kai, never an awkward silence or boring conversation. Being with Kai makes Kyungsoo forget what he hates the most about the beach: everything. The whining children, the angry parents, the wrinkled old people who really should cover up more, the littered waters and scorching sand--all of it forgotten in the presence of a handsome lifeguard who manages to take his breath away.

Kyungsoo thinks about Kai a lot, far too often to be healthy. He knows there is no denying the fact he has a crush on Kai, but that is all he makes of his obsession with the Tan Boy.


It's not until one cool evening as the sun is dipping into the horizon, after Kai has bid Kyungsoo farewell with a breathtaking smile, that Kyungsoo realizes that he wants Kai to hug him, kiss him, and whisper ‘I love yous’ until he melts into the puddle of awkward-Korean-male-who-is-
madly-in-love that he is.

"He still hasn't kissed you?!" Baekhyun looks appalled after hearing Kyungsoo's confession.

"No." Kyungsoo looks down sadly, as he could only wish for the day he could finally feel something else of Kai's, something besides the cool touch of his hands.

"Maybe he doesn't like--" Chanyeol starts, but is abruptly cut off when Baekhyun lunges at the giant's mouth with his hands.

"Mmmhbe he bovent phike kyunphoo." Chanyeol muffles out from behind Baekhyun's hands.

Kyungsoo can still make out what Chanyeol is getting at, and he feels like such a peasant when he feels tears start to prick at his eyes. Maybe Chanyeol was right, maybe he really was just a nuisance to Kai, and maybe Kai only hung out with him because he was bored and had no one else to talk to. Once the summer was over, they would probably never talk again.

"Don't listen to this hoodlum, Kyungsoo-ah. Kai likes you. I mean, he's practically attached to your hip most of the time! He looks at you all creepy sometimes too, just like you look at him when you think no one is watching. He totally drags out the process of putting on sunscreen just so he can touch you longer. Me thinks he likey milady." Baekhyun smiles gently at Kyungsoo, whilst still blocking Chanyeol's lips.

"Yea. I guess you’re right." Kyungsoo nods slowly, feeling more encouraged by Baekhyun's words.

"Ah. Don't worry. Baekie has a plan. One that guarantees Kai will kiss you by the end of this week!" Baekhyun grins, evil intent and determination shining in his eyes.

Kyungsoo knows this plan will probably be ridiculous, over the top and potentially dangerous, but he can't help but crack a smile at Baekhyun's declaration (the faint hope that Kai might actually like him helps too).

Kyungsoo wipes away the tears that were budding before with the back of his hand.

Silly Kyungsoo, he thinks to himself, royalty should never cry.


"I'm gunna die, I'm gunna die." This is the only thing Kyungsoo whispers to himself as he sits curled up in a ball in the sand.

"You'll be fineeee." Baekhyun assures him, for the hundredth time.

"You're not going to actually drown, Kyungsoo. You just have to pretend!" Chanyeol reminds him.

"But you both know I hate water and that I have a fear of waves and that I can't really do much besides float and what if he doesn't save me in time and then I really do drown and I'll die before I really do get a chance to kiss him and--"

"You have a really bad habit of rambling nervously, you know that?" Baekhyun stops Kyungsoo, stating the obvious. "Everything will be fine, so long as you remember to pretend to be unconscious when he pulls to shore, alright? Then when he sees you're not ok, he will administer CPR. Bam. Lip to lip. Just like you wanted."

There is a wide-eyed nod of understanding, and then Kyungsoo is being dragged into the crashing waves ahead.

Kyungsoo's heart beats harder and harder the deeper they go.

They stop when Kyungsoo is far out enough that he can barely touch the ground and the current is stronger than he would like.

Kyungsoo clutches onto Baekhyun's arm nervously.

"Baekhyun I have a bad feeling about this." Kyungsoo sways with the ocean, and he feels like a giant buoy.

"Kyungsoo, do it for the lips, for the Lifeguard! Baekhyun encourages.

Kyungsoo is amazed to see both Baekhyun and Chanyeol unaffected by the waves around them.

"OH I SEE KAI NOW. Ok, come on Chanyeol!" Baekhyun grabs Chanyeol, who had been splashing about contently, and pulls him toward the shore, leaving Kyungsoo to ponder his life choices and the value of true love.

A few minutes go by, and slowly but surely Kyungsoo begins to adjust the water and the rhythm of the waves.

Hey, this isn't so bad, Kyungsoo thinks, as he starts enjoying the smooth rocking of the ocean. He can see why people like it out here.

When Kyungsoo starts having too much fun, he doesn't seem to notice the huge wave that was starting to build far out in the ocean. He doesn't notice that people are starting to wade back to the safety of the sand to escape the incoming monstrosity. When Kyungsoo does notice it, it is far too late, for he only has time to catch sight of a wall of water, thick, blue and frothy, before it all comes crashing down onto him, pushing him under the surface. It's so unexpected that Kyungsoo doesn't have time to breathe in fresh oxygen before being plunged under, and his mind doesn't process it fast enough. He panics, taking in a mouthful of salty water and he chokes when he feels that it's water filling his lungs and not air. He throws his hands out and swings his legs around wildly in an attempt to push himself back up to the line between life and death, but it's futile-- the mighty ocean currents pull him back under.

As Kyungsoo's vision starts to go hazy around the edges, he starts saying his prayers.

Full lips, tan skin and sun screen are the last things to cross his mind before he blacks out.



A voice registers in his head but it hurts to much to try and open his eyes to see who it belongs to.

Kyungsoo gives a small noise to let whoever it was know that he was indeed alive.

"Oh my god, he's conscious guys!" The voice sounds all at once relieved and overjoyed.

Suddenly two other voices join the first, and it gives Kyungsoo a headache.

"My baby Soo is ok." An appropriately timed sob of relief follows.

"Kyungsoo you dummy, you scared us!" Another voice vibrates low and deep, and Kyungsoo knows he recognizes it, but is too tired to think of faces right now.

Kyungsoo notices he has a little problem breathing, and the next time he goes to take in air, his eyes fly open and he sits up as a coughing fit wracks his body.

A hand slaps him on the back to try and help expel the excess lung water.

Kyungsoo knew those hands better than any other and when his coughs die down he is elated to see Kai sitting in close proximity to him, worry fresh on his face.

Kai's words come out angrily. "What were you thinking going out there if you didn't know how to swim? Why didn't you leave with your friends? Do you realize how dumb that was?"

Kyungsoo, still getting over the fact he just danced with death and barely made it back alive, decides that the truth couldn't possibly hurt that much, whether Kai liked him or not.

"Baekhyun came up with a stupid plan for you to save me and then I would pretend to be unconscious even though I was actually conscious and then you would give me CPR and it would technically be kissing and I really just wanted to kiss you. Yea." It comes out as a long winded sentence, all the words stringed together. It stuns Kai into a momentary silence before he replies, "Well, I gave you the CPR you wanted."

Kyungsoo frowns. Of course he doesn't remember it. This is not how it was supposed to turn out.

"Personally, I think there was a much easier way to go about doing this." Kai motions for him to come closer.

"And what that might be." Kyungsoo does lean forward, not sure what to expect.

"Like this." Kai doesn't wait for Kyungsoo to lean any closer, instead pulling the older boy into him, their lips pressed firmly against the other’s. He wraps an arm around Kyungsoo's waist to support him, knowing that this was all a lot to take in. Kyungsoo feels like he is dying (of happiness) again. Kai kisses him again and again, nipping and sucking on Kyungsoo's lower lip before decidedly trailing kisses across his face. He eventually pulls Kyungsoo into his arms and gives him a tight hug, and it feels weird being skin to skin with him, as neither of them were dressed in anything but their swim trunks.

Kai smells like the sea, coffee, and probably Kyungsoo's favorite thing in the world now: sunscreen.


"Uh. So you do like me?" Kyungsoo almost doesn't believe the words leaving Kai's mouth.

"I've liked you along. I thought I made it pretty obvious..." Kai shakes his head at the oblivious Kyungsoo. They are sitting under Kyungsoo's fruity rainbow umbrella (how fitting), with Kyungsoo's head resting in Kai's lap.

"So I risked my life for nothing."


"And you would have kissed me either way."

"Basically, yea."

"...I'm going to kill those two when I get home, I swear."

Kai replies with a laugh. "Next time you want to kiss me, promise me you won't do something stupid?"

Kyungsoo scowls and instead of agreeing just pulls Kai in for another kiss, breaking away from him only when he sees the watchful stares of some of the children on the beach.

Among said children, Baekhyun and Chanyeol are included too; the two can be seen making kissy faces and suggestive gestures from down by the water front. Kyungsoo almost flips them off before remembering that there are still children in the vicinity.

Besides, that wasn't something royalty should be doing anyways.


Kyungsoo is overjoyed to see summer come to a close, and he already has his fall clothing laid out and ready to go. He would be lying if he said that he wouldn't miss seeing Kai in nothing but those bright red swim trunks, but there’s always next summer.


He makes sure that Kai gets a job at the community pool the next year, where Kyungsoo can safely say that at least there are no killer waves waiting to get him, and solid creme concrete was in the place of detestable yellow sediments.

And of course, Kai is there with every brand of sunscreen possible, more than willing to put it on his boyfriend.

rating: pg, length: oneshot, pairing: kai/kyungsoo, !fanfic

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