[ Current Mood| happy] [ Current Music| Tyra show]
It's clouded and it's raining. It looks depressing outside, but luckily I feel happy so it doesn't affect me!
My sister and I went to IKEA and got a bunch of stuff. Things we needed, things we didn't need. It was fun, it's within walking distance which is very helpful since I bought a picture frame 100x70 cm and I would have crashed if I'd taken it home driving my bike. Walking is safer, though the wind wasn't helping much. We also bought a cute stuffed animal, it's a puppy and so soft. It's childish but oh so sweet. We named it puppy, very original, but he's so cuddly and soft.
Now it's time to finally decorate my room. I've had bare walls from August to November. I finally put up my American flag at the end of November and I put up a large map of the US that I got from my grandpa in December. But I got an awesome NYC poster for my birthday and I still want to make a Sexyback Club Tour collage and America trip collage. I need to make it more me. The flag and map help but I need pictures and Justin still. Now is as good a time as any!
I'm going to take my friend out to dinner tonight and maybe a movie if we feel like it.
And last but not least; Happy birthday to Justin! The flags are out, it can be for Justin! Except that it's not, it's our Queen's birthday today as well.