Big bang 2013: Better together: Chapter two

Jun 07, 2013 18:57

Fic title: Better together 2/5
Author name: dutch_chick674
Artist name: theextrac00kie
Genre:> RPS au
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 23.331
Warnings: Angst, sex scenes
Summary: Jared finally left Jensen when he was tired of always being the second choice to the other man. He worked thought the hard times on supernatural but was happy when the series finally ended.

Jensen was broken when Jared finally had enough, even though he always knew in the back of his mind that thing would eventually fall apart. He only realized what a fool he was letting Jared go after he had ruined things between them

This is the story of what happens when they meet again four years after supernatural ended.
Authors note 1: This is part of the heartbreak verse, but reading it not requited.

previous chapter

Chapter two.
The doorbell rings and Jared goes to open the door. Jensen and he are going on another date and he is excited. He can’t wait to see what Jensen has planned for him this time. When he opens, the door Jensen is standing there with a big smile on his face.

Jared leans in to give him a small kiss before asking, “What are you smiling about?”

“Wanna go see Jason tonight? He just invited us over for his gig. I had this romantic dinner planned but Jason’s gig sound like fun,” Jensen asks, looking excided at the prospect.

Jared smiles; he remembers Jason’s gigs. Even went to see a couple after he and Jensen ended things. He loved the music the other man played, and, knowing Jason, it would likely be in an intimate bar which made it even better.

So, of course Jared wants to go; it sounds like a great date. Jensen’s smile grows impossibly brighter when Jared says so.

They get to the club early and they get a table at the side of the stage. They both order something to eat. Unfortunately Jason is too busy with setting up the stage to really talk to them, but he comes over to say hello, and he asks if they want to stay after he’s done so they can catch up.

They both eat their dinner, talking about how their work is going and about how their week has been. Soon enough their plates are cleared and Jason starts playing.

After a while, Jensen starts swaying to the music, and Jared sees Jensen mouthing along with the words. The light catches his hair and Jared thinks he has never looked more beautiful.

When the music ends, Jensen turns to smile softly at him, and Jared thinks that Jensen, like this, is all he’ll ever need.


“Cut!” Jensen yells, grinning. “Great take, you guys.”

Jensen walks over to the small screen to watch the playback, and to make sure this take is good as he thought.

“I think we nailed it this time, Jen,” Joseph says, coming up behind Jensen.

Jensen really hopes so. They have been having trouble with this scene. No-one knows exactly what’s wrong, but the scene just seemed off somehow. Joseph’s suggestions of minor changes to the script seem to be working this time.

When he’s done watching, Jensen turns to Joseph. “I think so too, Joe,” he says and smiles.

He likes Joseph; the man is amazing. When they first started working together Jensen had expected a high-maintenance actor, but nothing was less true. Joseph only chooses parts he thinks are good and he is willing to put in just as much effort and time as Jensen. They had clicked right away, and Jensen had been happy to find someone who was just as passionate about this as he was. It makes it very easy to work with Joseph.

“So you want to go out? Have a couple of beers to celebrate?”

“Can’t,” Jensen says and shakes his head. “A couple of friends of mine are coming into town. Maybe later though?”

Jensen could have invited Joseph, but he wants to tell Chris and Steve about Jared. He had already told Jason, so he can’t avoid it any longer. He just hops Chris and Steve are as supportive as Jason had been. Of course, Jason doesn’t know the whole story. Jensen doesn’t think it’s a good idea to have Joseph there for this conversation, even if it is no secret on set that Jensen is dating a man.

“Jenny boy are you ready to get out of here?” As if on cue, Chris comes barging onto set.

“Don't call me Jenny, you freaking hippy,” he growls, before getting up to hug both his friends. It’sgood to see them again.

“I have to finish up some things here,” Jensen says, looking around.

Joseph grins before introducing himself.

“I’m assuming we’re done for the day Jen?” Joseph asks after the introductions are made.

“Yeah, are you done for the day, Jen?” Chris asks.

Jensen glares at the other man before turning back to Joseph to promise him a rain check on the beer.

Chris grasps Jensen's arm as Steve takes Jensen’s jacket.

“The star of the movie seems nice,” Chris says, staring after Joseph.

“Put a sock in it Chris,” Jensen says, tired of Chris making these insinuations, as if he would jump every hot guy that he interacted with.

Everyone around him has already started cleaning up, obviously taking their cue from Joseph.
“Let’s go get drunk,” Jensen says, grinning.

Twenty minutes later, the three of them are sitting at the bar, holding beers. Jensen tells them about getting back together with Jared and how happy he is that he has gotten a second chance.

“So this is for real this time?” Steve asks, after Jensen’s finished.

Jensen is aware that, even though he had only told Chris, Steve knows the whole story too. Chris had always made it clear that there were no secrets between him and Steve. And Jensen is okay with that-even grateful. He knows he couldn’t stomach telling the whole sordid story of him and Jared twice.

“Are you sure about this?” Chris asks and Jensen nods. “You really got hurt the first time,” Chris continues.

Jensen knows that his friend is just being protective. He understands that it must have been hard watching him recover after the breakup, but it wasn’t Jared’s fault. Jensen was the one who fucked up, and he is well aware that he needs to make up for his past mistakes.

“You know that was all on me, Chris. I was the one who decided to date Danneel and do whatever the fuck me and Jared were doing back then. I was the one who fucked up.”

Chris and Steve both hum at that. They don’t argue. Jensen nods to himself before ordering another beer. When he turns back to his friends, Chris touches his arm.

“Just Jens, be careful okay? That’s supposed to be all in the past if you want to have a future with him. There should be no blame between you. Make sure there isn’t.”

Jensen nods and stares at his friend. He doesn’t think Chris is right, not really. Sure Jared and he are starting over, but Jensen knows he has to make up for the past.

“Okay now enough seriousness. Shots!” Steve yells at the bartender before Jensen can argue with Chris.

The next four rounds are all bought by his friends, and soon enough, all his problems are forgotten. When he stumbles home after the bar closes, Chris and Steve make sure he gets to his bed safely.

And this? This is why Jensen loves hanging out with his friends.


Jared stands off to the side and watches Jensen. He loves Jensen’s intensity when he works, especially if Jensen is working on something he loves. Jensen’s pride in his project was clear, from the moment he told Jared about the movie. Jared had been waiting for an opportunity to come to set and see Jensen in his element.

Wearing a baseball cap, sporting a scruffy beard-the up sides of not being on camera- Jensen still looks gorgeous. Jared hasn’t seen him with beard in a long time. Whenever they meet, Jensen is always clean shaven. Jared smirks; he probably has done it to avoid beard burn.

He still has a small smile on his lips when Jensen turns around and sees him standing there.

“Jay,” Jensen says, and his face splits into a big grin.

“Hey Jen,” Jared says, walking up to kiss him.

He loves that he can do this now, that he can kiss Jensen in public. Jensen doesn’t seem to mind, quite the opposite. Jensen seems to enjoy their little moments of PDA. Jared is still initiating it most of the time but he enjoys the knowledge that Jensen won’t duck away when Jared kisses him.

“What are you doing here,” Jensen asks as he pulls Jared along.

“Well, I’ve been so busy with the night shoot that I’ve hardly seen you this week. I thought I could wait here until you’re done then go to your place?”

Jensen laughs and takes Jared’s hand. “You have perfect timing. We just wrapped up,” he says. When Jared raises his eyebrows, he adds, “We were losing natural light. It means I have to start early tomorrow, though.”

“I promise not to wear you out to much,” Jared jokes and Jensen ducks his head to hide his blush.

They leave, after a having said goodbye to some of the lingering crew.. Jared can’t help his blush when Jensen introduces him as his boyfriend. Jared still wasn’t used to Jensen calling him that.

“I hope you’re not expecting high cuisine, because I don’t think I have anything edible,” Jensen says when Jared pulls him towards his car. “Where are we going? My car is over there,”

“I thought I could maybe spend the night? Let me drive you back here tomorrow morning?”

Jared watches Jensen’s reaction anxiously. He doesn’t really think Jensen will object to sleeping together, but well, one never knows. Jensen just smiles.

“Are you sure you don’t mind getting up early on your day off?” he asks.

Jared shrugs. He normally doesn’t like it, but their schedules aren’t really aligned right now, nor will they be anytime soon. So they will have to make do with the time they have. He tells this to Jensen, and the other man just nods and gets in Jared’s car.

“So pizza and a movie at your place?” Jared asks when he gets behind the wheel.


Pizza and a movie at Jensen’s place turns into making out while waiting for the pizza to arrive. At the sound of the doorbell, Jensen rushes to the door, over-tips the pizza boy, and rushes back to the couch.

They let the pizza get cold in favour of making out some more. Jensen is hungry but he can’t seem to pull himself away. It feels good to have Jared close to him, and Jensen can’t stop his hands from wandering. He moans when Jared responds to his touches. He forgot how responsive the other man was to touch. When his hands get to Jared’s belt buckle he pulls back.

Jared look beautiful, with his face flushed and his hair tousled. Clearly aroused, Jared takes fast, shallow breaths. Jensen pauses a moment to just look.

“Can I?” he asks and Jared nods.

He makes quick work of Jared’s belt and pulls out Jared’s cock the moment the fly is down. Jensen wraps his hand around Jared’s cock and can’t help licking his lips as he looks down.

“Oh god,” Jared hisses when Jensen starts pulling.

“Hmm, I think I forgot how big you were, babe,” Jensen murmurs against Jared’s neck. “God you are so hot. Make me crazy.” He groans and pushes his hips down in an attempt to get some friction.

“Yeah?” Jared asks breathlessly.

Caught up in the moment, Jensen takes one of Jared’s hands in his and places it against his crotch.

“This is how hard you make me,” Jensen whispers.

Jared shudders against the touch, and palms Jensen’s cock. Jensen takes his hand out of Jared’s pants. He needs both arms to support him if he doesn’t want to smother Jared. Jared doesn’t seem to mind, as he’s pushing his hips up to meet Jensen’s. Jensen looks down and follows the motion of Jared’s fingers as Jared pops the button of his jeans and pulls down the zipper. Jared’s breath catches, and Jensen looks up to see the pure want in Jared’s eyes before they close.

“Oh Jen,” he whispers.

Before Jensen’s brain can catch up with his actions, he finds himself on his knees. He pulls down Jared’s pants and starts mouthing his cock through his boxers. Jensen fills with a sudden need for Jared; he wants to watch the other man to lose it, and know that he’s the cause. Jared’s hand moves to the back of his head, pulling Jensen away from his cock.

“We don’t,” Jared says, and then licks his lips. “Are we ready for this?”

Jensen looks up at Jared, and the question is clear in his eyes. Jensen honestly doesn’t know, but he also doesn’t want to stop. He figures this is a case of trial and error, he just hopes that Jared won’t freak out.

“Do you think we are ready? Do you want to stop,” Jensen asks licking his lips.

If Jared wasn’t ready to have sex, then Jensen would wait. He knows that the last time, when he was still with Danneel, it seemed that all he had wanted from Jared was sex. He had done all the relationship things with Danneel, and had gone to Jared for friendship and sex. Only after things ended, did he realize that Jared meant so much more. He needs to make sure Jared knows that this isn’t just about getting off now. He has to know that Jensen is serious and that he won’t make the same mistake. This time Jensen will appreciate what he has.

Jared’s eyes go wide before he closes his eyes and moans, pulling Jensen’s head forward.

“Oh god, no. I’m so ready for this,” Jared whispers.

The moment Jensen gets the okay from Jared, he stops thinking about the past. Jensen’s hands are on Jared’s hips, holding him in place and pushing down his boxers. Jared’s cock bobs up as soon as it leaves the confinement of the boxers. Jensen licks the head and tastes the bitter precome.

Jensen sits up so he can swallow Jared’s cock, swirling circles around the head with his tongue and just enjoying the thick feel of it in his mouth. Jensen takes in as much as he can, and almost gags at the last. The noise Jared makes it totally worth the effort.

Jensen loses it when Jared starts moaning nonstop. He starts bobbing his head, licking, sucking and panting around Jared’s cock. It doesn’t take long for Jared to make a strangled noise, to pull out of Jensen’s mouth, and to come all over his face.

Jensen wipes his face on his shirt and looks up at Jared, who’s leaning back against the couch, his eyes closed and still panting.

Jared opens his eyes and yanks Jensen up. He pulls Jensen up, and shoves a hand down his jeans. Jensen pants and pushes down against Jared, and comes in a few quick strokes.

Jensen is still coming down from his high when Jared gets up from the couch and takes the pizza box to the kitchen.

“What are you doing?” Jensen asks and looks up, slightly dazed.

“I’m going to microwave this pizza. I know you don’t like it cold,” Jared says with a grin, before he disappears into the kitchen.


Jared hates night shoots almost as much as he hates being on location, but it’s fun to spend some time with his co-workers this time around. Once he stops moping around and checking his phone every few minutes, some of the others are actually quite nice.

The two other lead actors, Alex and Olivia, stand out. The three of them play close friends that end up in some weird love triangle. They spend most of the time on set together, and Jared starts hanging with them during the day, since they are the only ones not working. Sometimes they just sit around drinking coffee, complaining about the tough emotions they needed to display. Other times they practise their lines.

Jared finds himself opening up to Olivia. When he tells Jensen, the other man jokes that Jared could never make a movie without making at least a few friends. Jared just smiles in response.

“So how are you going to prepare for tomorrow?” Olivia asks sipping on her coffee.

They had found this small coffee shop around the corner from their set and the past week they had been meeting there every day for lunch.

“What do you mean?”

“All the crying and screaming,” Olivia says, making a face.

She had told Jared before how much she hates such emotional scenes because she always carries it with her some time after they’re done. Jared had told her that sometimes he feels the same; it was one of the things they’d bonded over.

“’I’m sleeping over at Jensen’s. No way can I be sad when I sleep next to my boyfriend.”

“I believe that. There is no way I could be sad if I got to wake up next to a glorious specimen of man like your boyfriend,” Olivia says with a sigh.

Jared laughs. When Jared told her he was gay and had a boyfriend, she had confessed she once had the biggest crush on Jensen when he was on Dawson’s Creek. Jared had tried to tease her about it, but it backfired: she told him that the next best thing to having Jensen was imaging both he and Jensen in bed.

“God don’t remind me,” Jared groans. “I haven’t seen him for over a week. I love being an actor but sometimes...”

Olivia pats him consolingly. “I get it. Honestly, I don’t even know why we’re having night shoots.” Then she thinks about it and continues, “or location shoots for that matter.”

Jared snorts. “Big ass budget.”

Olivia smiles at him. “Well it pays our bills, right?”

Jared nods and looks at his watch. “Come on Liv, we need to go. I told make up I’d be there at four.”

They walk out of the coffee shop, ready to start another night of working.


It’s the end of the day and Jensen is watching the dailies in his trailer. He loves the way this movie is coming together . Joseph’s acting had been spot-on and the kid playing his little brother was pretty decent. It meant that it usually only took two or three takes to get the scene.

Today had been a bit different though. They were shooting an emotional scene and the kid had trouble with getting his lines right. Jensen couldn’t blame him.

“So how does it look on screen?” Joseph asks as he walks into the trailer.

Jensen shrugs. He hasn’t made up his mind yet. “The emotion is right, but you just can’t understand a thing the kid says.”

Joseph hums sitting next to him. “What if you let me repeat the lines, like I want to confirm I heard them right? Kid nods and we have a scene.”

Jensen looks up at the other man. It’s a brilliant idea, and Joseph blushes when he says as much.

“What are you still doing here anyway?” Jensen asks and Joseph shrugs.

“I could ask you the same question,” Joseph says.

“My boyfriend is doing night shoot so I actually have nothing better to do.”

Joseph smiles. “Well a perfect chance to take me up on that beer I promised.”

Jensen grins before agreeing. They end up at a small bar near the set and Jensen finds himself actually enjoying spending time with his co-worker. At the end of the night, they’re both in a booth talking about their previous acting experience.

“I’m happy I made enough money with Third Rock From The Sun. Now I get to pick what I want to do.”

Jensen grimaces. “I wish.”

“Why man? I loved you on Dawson’s Creek.”


Jared loves Misha. He’s happy that the other man called asking to hang out. Misha is one of the few people who are friends with both him and Jensen, and it means that they can hang out without any awkwardness.

Jared was reluctant to take Jensen with him when he went out with Chad. And he knew that Jensen felt the same around Chris and Steve. With Misha, they could practice being a couple in front of friends. After tonight, maybe he could talk Jensen into taking him to one of Chris’s show. He always liked those.

“Hey Jared, Jensen, good to see you guys! How’s life?” Misha asks and hugs both of them.

Jared smiles down at Misha, happy the other man had chosen a quiet restaurant and there were hardly any people around. And his hand blindly reaches for Jensen’s. Misha follows the movement with a frown on his face until he connects the dots.

“Wait, what? Are you two?” Misha asks, pointing between the two of them.

Jensen smiles and leads them both to a small booth at the corner of the bar.

“If you mean gay, happy, dating each other,” he says when they sit down, “then yes, Misha, we are.”

“I knew it! There was too much chemistry between the two of you for it to be platonic. I mean I kind of believed it when you both claimed to be straight. But when you both came out, hmm,” Misha says with a grin, “Oh man this is so great! We can go on double dates. I bet Vicky would just love that!”

Jared leans back, content in the moment. He had been a little bit afraid of Misha’s reaction and the question he might ask. He had been full of questions when Jared first came out, and had even suggested that he should ask Jensen out. It had been a bit uncomfortable. Jared is enjoying this coming out more. He loves that Misha is this enthusiastic about their relationship.

Jensen throws his head back and laughs. “Yeah maybe that would be nice, don’t you think so Jay?”

Jared nods, startling a bit when Jensen’s hand finds his thigh.

“So tell me how long have you two been together?” Misha asks.

And Jared starts telling Misha about the movie premier and seeing Jensen after such a long time. Jensen sometimes put in a word or two, to give his view on things. They tell it as if it’s all new to them; they had agreed on that.

After a couple beers they all are more relaxed and are talking amicably. Jensen is leaning into his personal space more than usual.

“So when are you going to make it public?” Misha asks and Jared freezes.

He has been thinking about that. If they really want to give this a chance, they have to make it public, eventually. Jensen must feel his discomfort because he pulls Jared closer, causing him to almost sit in his lap.

“We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. I mean, I don’t want to hide, but..,” he says and looks at Jared for confirmation. Jared nods.

“If someone sees us then they do, but we’re not ready to make a big thing about it yet,” Jared adds.

It might be strange to have this talk now, with Misha to witness. But Jared is glad that they are both thinking along the same line.

At the end of the night, Jensen and Jared bump into each other as they walk out of the bar and giggle at every stupid joke Misha makes. The liquor has made them both more relaxed, but it also results in them being unable to keep their hands off each other. They share soft kisses every couple of steps.

“You guys are awesome,” Misha says after they break apart for what seems like the millionth time.

Misha takes the first cab, saying they can keep each other company. That leaves them standing outside the bar waiting for theirs. They can’t help but stand close each other, cuddled together.

“I had a great time tonight,” Jared whispers.

Jensen nods. “Yeah me too,” he says and sighs. “I was afraid of telling Misha about us though. You know? And he was right about the publicity thing. I hadn’t even thought of that.”

“Me neither,” Jared says, kissing Jensen softly, “but I agree with what you said. Let’s not overthink it and just go with the flow. It seems to be working.”

Jensen groans and pulls Jared closer to deepen the kiss. They stand there, kissing on the street, and neither of them cares who sees.

They jump apart when the taxi arrives.

“So,” Jared says when they’re seated in the taxi, “when are we meeting up with Chris and Steve?”


“Hey babe,” Jensen says when he opens the door to see Jared standing there.

“Hey Jen,” Jared says and walks into the house, dripping wet. “It’s raining out. I brought Sadie and Tiny with me, so I hope you don't mind.”

Jensen smiles when the two dogs come into the room. He’s getting used to having animals in the house. When Jared first took him to meet the dogs he was kind of nervous. He knows it sounds crazy, but he knew Jared values his dogs’ instincts. Usually, if the dogs don't like someone, Jared doesn't either. But Jensen's worry was for nothing, because Sadie still remembered him and Tiny just followed Sadie's lead.

Jensen pet both dogs, hugging them close for minute, before standing up and kissing his boyfriend.

“You have to explain this to me again. Why did you call Saint-Bernard/ boxer mix ‘Tiny’?”

“Well, you remember when Cliff played that prisoner on Supernatural?” Jared asks and at Jensen's nod he continues. “Well his character was named Tiny, this little guy reminded me of him.” He hugged the dog close.

“Oh, by the way, Chris and Steve called,” Jensen says. “We're having dinner with them tonight.” Jensen knows his boyfriend wants to get re-acquainted with all Jensen's friends.

Jensen had not kept in contact with his friends from his time on Supernatural. After their split, when he and Jared hadn’t been speaking, Jensen had begun to distance himself from everyone. He wouldn’t make their friends choose. Soon enough, he feared, the truth would emerge, about his orientation, about his relationship failures. He would have lost them anyway. And Jared would have ended up hurt. Again. Jensen’s fault. And Jared hadn’t deserved that.

Of all his friends, Chris and Steve had refused to be pushed away, and even now they remained extremely protective of Jensen. If he and Jared were giving out weird vibes tonight, Chris would be all over it, making sure Jensen was happy.

“Jensen! Couldn't you have told me earlier? I don't have any spare clothes with me; I was expecting just to hang out in front of the TV.”

“Oh come on Jay, you know Chris isn't the kind to go to a fancy restaurant. What you’re wearing is fine.”

“That's so not the issue here, Jen,” Jared huffs.

Jensen looks at his boyfriend until he figured it out. “Oh! You want to make a good impression. That's so cute.”

Jensen pulls Jared down to the couch and into a deep kiss. He settles them both so that they comfortable. Chris and Steve aren't going to come over for a couple of hours. And Jensen wants to begin their weekend together with some cuddling on the couch and maybe some making out.

Jared glares at him.

“You're really worried about this?” Jensen asks in surprise.

“Kind of.”

He had not expected Jared to be insecure about meeting his friends for the first time-again. Jensen is afraid to meet Chad, but that’s logical; Jensen was the one who hurt Jared, who fucked up. Jared had done nothing wrong. Jensen knows that Chris will protect him no matter what, even against Jared, but it doesn't matter; Jensen loves Jared and there is no way he would give this up again.

“Well don't be. I love you and there is nothing Chris or Steve can do about it,” Jensen says, not wanting to waste any more time on this discussion.

“Would they want to?” Jared asks.

Jensen sighs and knows he said the wrong thing. Chris and Steve would be wrong if they thought they’d need to protect Jensen from his feelings for Jared. If anything, they need to help Jensen make things up to Jared. Jensen told them to be on their best behavior.
Jensen takes Jared’s hand before kissing the top of his head softly. “Doesn’t matter,” he says. What matters is that I love you. Don’t worry about it.”

Jared smiles and looks Jensen in the eye. “Okay,” he says, although he doesn’t sound convinced.

Jensen decides to let it slide. He’ll prove to Jared that there is no reason to be afraid.


Of course Jared is nervous about seeing Chris and Steve again. Both of them are good friends of Jensen. If there is someone in Jensen's life who knows what happened between him and Jensen, it will be Chris.

It makes things weird for him. On the one hand, he is happy Jensen has someone in his life who will always be there for him; on the other hand, there is no doubt that Chris will always and forever choose Jensen's side. Even though Jensen had been in the wrong.

Jared doesn’t want things to be weird, but with the way Chris has been staring at him, from the moment he walked into the bar, it seems he's asked for too much.

“So Jared,” Steve says, when Chris and Jensen leave to get more beer.

Jared looks at the gentle man and is thankful that Steve is the one to break the ice.

“I heard you've been making some awesome movies. I'm sorry I didn't really see them man. I have too little time,” Steve says smiling softly.

Jared grins, nods, and starts telling Steve about his current project, happy to have something to talk about. He is more relaxed and is talking miles a minute when Jensen and Chris return.
Jensen snuggles up to Jared as he slides back into the booth.

“So what are you two talking about?” Chris asks, glaring at Jensen’s arm around Jared’s shoulders.

Steve ignores Chris’s question and starts telling Jared about his latest gig. Jared listens politely and decides to ignore Chris’s glare when he puts his hand on Jensen's thigh.

They both trip over their own feet and giggle softly when they go home that night, already having made plans to meet up with Chris and Steve for dinner the next day. Jared figures Jensen doesn't see his friends that often. Most of the awkwardness has disappeared, though that may be due to the alcohol.

“So,” Jensen says when they get to Jared's apartment, “that wasn't so bad, was it?”

Jared smiles, and pulls his boyfriend inside. “Well, it has been an almost perfect night,” he says before kissing Jensen.

Jensen grins against his lips. “I think I know how I can make it completely perfect,” he whispers and takes Jared towards the bedroom.

Jensen is the only one who had ever made Jared feel like this: frantic and needy. Jared pushes and pulls at Jensen's clothes, not getting anywhere until Jensen laughs and pushes him back a little. Jensen growls when Jared starts unbuttoning his shirt. When the shirt is off, Jensen leans down and licks a stripe across Jared’s chest, sucking a hickey above the right nipple.

“Fuck Jen,” Jared mumbles as he pushes Jensen to sit on the bed and drops to the floor between Jensen's legs. His mouth waters as he looks at the bulge in Jensen's pants. He’s desperate for Jensen's cock, and wants to hear him moan. It’s different from the first time they did this, and Jared knows it’s because he is more secure and is able to finally have what he had always wanted from Jensen.

Jensen's hands find the back of his head when Jared pulls down Jensen's boxers and starts mouthing at his cock. Jensen begins fucking into his mouth gently, and Jared just closes his eyes and breathes through his nose. He wants to swallow Jensen down, to enjoy every last drop of him. He wants Jensen to be entirely his.

Jensen cursed and gently pushed him away. “I want......can I?” he asked, pulling Jared up on the bed.

Jared would object to being manhandled like a little girl, if it wasn’t turning him on so much. Jensen moves to lie between his legs and tucks his cock against Jared's boxer-clad ass. Jared feels Jensen's precome seep through the material and moans.

“Fuck me,” he whispers, and Jensen moves to pull off his boxers.

"That's what I was planning, babe," Jensen whispers back before sealing his mouth over Jared's in a slow, wet kiss.

Jensen pushes his cock against Jared's hole, not pressing in but just feeling. Jared moans into the kiss. He wants Jensen inside him. He wants to feel the other man fill him up and make him lose it.

“Please Jen,” he begs, as Jensen kisses a trail along Jared's neck.

“Yeah, yeah, need to get you ready first,” Jensen whispers, his finger circling Jared's hole.

He slowly pushes inside as he kisses his way down Jared's body. He licks past the muscles of his stomach, over his cock down his balls until he reaches Jared's hole. Jared twitches in anticipation as Jensen's tongue starts moving towards the finger in his ass. When he feels the first wet lap at his hole, he lets out a sharp cry and pushes down on Jensen's finger, needing more.

“Please Jen,” Jared moans.

Jensen shushes him softly, moving up to get the lube out of his night stand. He keeps on licking Jared even as he adds lube. After that it doesn’t take long before Jared is desperate with need and has three fingers up his ass.

“More Jen, need you. Need your cock,” he moans, and pulls Jensen until the other man is on top of him again, with Jensen’s cock rubbing- almost entering-his ass. Precome slicks up his hole even more.

Jared grabs frantically at Jensen's shoulders, and a low moan escapes his throat as the other man enters him. It burns and hurts a little but it all fades quickly and leaves only the feeling of Jensen: Jensen inside him, Jensen making love to him, Jensen whispering sweet nothings in his ear mixed with the occasional moan or grunt.

Jensen takes his time, moving inside Jared slowly. It makes Jared feel utterly loved and he closes his eyes against the emotions. Reduced to whimpering, words no longer make it out of Jared’s throat as Jensen picks up the pace. His hands find Jensen's ass in an attempt to get him to move faster, harder, deeper. Jared moans as Jensen complies.

“God, babe, you feel so good,” Jensen whimpers.

Jensen fucks into him with hard punishing thrusts, every single one of them aimed for Jared's prostate. Jared feels the pressure build in his stomach, his ball tighten and he knows he’s close. Jensen strokes his head and Jared opens his eyes, looking straight into Jensen's. The other mans eyes shine with love and affection. Before he realizes what is happening, Jared comes all over himself and moves shakily against Jensen's body. He floats on the thin line between pain and pleasure when he hears Jensen groan. Jensen speeds up his thrusts and comes in thick spurts inside him.

Jensen collapses mostly on top of him, and his breath pants hot on Jared's neck. Jared runs a soothing hand over Jensen back as both of them try to catch their breath.

“You're right,” Jared says when Jensen gets his breath back, “perfect night.”

next chapter

bigbang2013, heart break verse, j2

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