Seven Quick Takes

Jul 18, 2014 21:10

1. So when I last left you... uh, a month ago... my big obsession was improving sleep. It's been super hot here which has been pretty harsh on my nascent attempts to get Mary-Alice to night wean. She's had some problems keeping hydrated, so of course the last thing I want to do with a dehydrated baby is deny her liquids. So I just had to let that go for the time being. Today was much much cooler and over the weekend it's supposed to rain and stay cool so I'm hoping to get back to night weaning.

2. The weather was actually cool enough tonight that I made an oven dinner... salmon "bulgogi" (scare quotes in original). Verdict: tasty.

3. Mim is not walking yet and I'm not sure if she will be by her birthday (August 9th). She pulls up to standing, stoops to pick up objects, and occasionally lets go to stand alone. She sometimes will "walk" with an adult holding hands but usually drops down to crawl instead.

4. I'm going to take a crochet class tomorrow (free childminding!!). I'd like to get back into some kind of craft, perhaps make the girls and I matching hats.

5. It's interesting to me that while we planned out Pippa's nickname before we even settled on Philippa, Mary-Alice's nicknames (Mim and Mimi) just kind of happened. I would never have thought I would choose the name Mimi for a daughter. So apparently my style is formal full name--cutesy buttons nicknames, with a spunky one syllable version and a repetitious sound version. (Philippa, Pip, Pippa; Mary-Alice, Mim, Mimi). But while Pippa is Pippa 70% of the time, Pip 29.99% of the time, and Philippa almost never, Mary-Alice is Mary-Alice 40% of the time, Mim 30%, Mimi 25%, and Mimsy 5%.

6. So while I'm not pregnant yet (although I did put in an order through a mom co-op for a whole bunch of tests... $.25 per test, hurray), it's fun to think about names for the next one based on that. Nameberry had a post on doubled names. I already like Coco (as a nickname for Cosima), and I also like Lulu and Vivi. Nana could work for Iona. I also like cutesy nicknames for boys: Benny for Benedict, Toby for Tobias, Tadpole for Thaddeus (hee hee). Part of me wonders if this would be a bit too Duggar-like matchy-matchy. Ah well. At least I'm giving them a non-matchy-matchy option.

7. Gordon and I got into a bit of nattering over Canadian vs US spelling of co-op and cooperative. While we both agree on "co-op" he favours "co-operative". I said the hyphen helps with the ambiguity with coop (as in chicken) but in the full version there's no need. And if you want to add something why not get a bit French and add an anuresis? I meant to say diaeresis. But there is something a bit retentive about this kind of language quibbling.

Related, if you missed it:

names!, seven quick takes

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