social media platform is dead, long live social media platform

Jun 11, 2014 23:38

Ugh I think I am becoming a monthly blogger... but I don't know how to be one. Should I write about where we go and what we do? I guess I'm not sure who is both interested and not already hearing about it in person or over Facebook. And it all seems to dull to read about, even if it isn't dull to experience.

The dropping of the nap is a game changer for sure.

Uhhh let's just do some bullet points.

  • I've been trained as a sort of parent liaison volunteer for a neighbourhood house (a non-profit community centre thing). Basically my "job" is to help make drop-ins and classes more welcoming, promote the neighbourhood house, help connect people to resources, etc. Fun stuff and possibly a step towards more formal volunteering or even a career? Who knows. I have a follow up session in a few weeks, and there will be a level two training course this fall.

  • Mimi is cruising and pushing objects but not walking independently. Here she is at Pippa's 3rd birthday:

    She really likes to eat paper. If she can find paper of some kind somewhere she's going to try to eat it. Especially tissue paper.

  • Pippa's 3rd birthday was about perfect.

    Very low-key and low stress. Biggest stress was the amount of fruit we had leftover. We had too much to start with, other people brought some, and then most people didn't eat that much. So we had to figure it out. I froze some of it.

  • Apparently I can't write a LiveJournal entry without the baby somehow sensing it and becoming Super Fuss, Queen of Fuss. So... that's the end I guess.

scroll past this it is boring

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