
Mar 15, 2014 21:20

Flyers 4 - Penguins 0

nooooo i wanted the opposite of this.

*comforts self by rereading this Battle of California article* (warning: language)


On Thursday I burned my neck via a splash of hot oil while trying to brown pot roast and the burns have really come out now. Fortunately (I guess?) they kind of look like birthmarks. So while to me they look very startling and hideous in the mirror, no one else seems to notice them.

Pretty sure they are all going to turn into scars, as I seem to remember that wounds on heavily used parts of the skin scar more easily, and of course every time I turn my head my neck moves. I will set a new fashion in constant scarf wearing. Scarf lingerie! Scarf swimwear!

Burns on your neck really make you aware of how much everything is constantly hitting your neck. Mostly my baby and her razor sharp, probably infection transmitting little claws, but also my purse strap, the instinctive solo towel folding posture, etc.


To end on a more pleasant kind of burn, the kids are asleep and I am treating myself to a slowly sipped half shot of Connemara. Yum.

next stop dutch elm disease, hockey afternoon in bc

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