"If I can just touch his clothes, I shall be saved."

Oct 09, 2013 21:52

Ok, so the medical problem I mentioned here has been diagnosed as retained placenta. I still feel like I should somehow dance around this, as if I'm going to offend or disgust someone. Keep it a secret and not tell. I don't know WHY though. Would I be embarrassed to share on Facebook and ask for prayer if I had a wound in my foot or arm or back that wouldn't heal? Then why am I embarrassed when it's a wound in my uterus? Body shame, man. It's complex.

Actually you know this kind of problem (or something similar) is right in scripture though. The woman who touched Jesus's cloak. And she had the problem for 12 years! Nearly 9 weeks doesn't seem so bad by comparison.

Anyway. I have an appointment with the doctor tomorrow to discuss options. The most common treatment is a D&C. Obviously I am never keen to do anything involving general anesthesia, and D&C has a significant risk (~25% for postpartum women, from what I was reading!) of something called Asherman's Syndrome, which is uterine scarring can cause infertility, miscarriages, pregnancy complications, or endometriosis (with all the pain and suffering THAT diagnosis involves). Not fun stuff.

On the other hand, even with all the scariness, at least it's good to have a diagnosis. Not having a diagnosis is pretty much the worst. Especially because in my experience, the more you don't have a diagnosis, the more doctors tend to act like it must be caused by a) being depressed b) being overweight c) being a fatty fatty crazy McNutso. (That last one is the medical term.)

Well, no matter what, I just want this problem resolved soon. I don't want to have to try to put on a brave face in public anymore. I don't want to get exhausted just doing the laundry. I want to not have to drink coffee to get through the day. Plus I keep doing stupid things just out of tiredness, like failing to realize that you have to wash dried chiles (I thought they were just a spice), thus filling the chili I'd been looking forward to all day with grit, or giving the wrong address for pizza delivery.

Also I'd like to stop being so self-pitying, and maybe a little less self-aware generally...

next stop dutch elm disease

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