despite her haute couture, Jean looked like she could wear a babushka and lead a bear to church

Oct 06, 2013 22:37

Yesterday was the Breastfeeding Challenge. This is my third year attending, and it's always a good time, and good for great free swag (which is 90% of why I go lol). This year, the haul was:

--a loaf of rye bread
--a bunch of muffins
--a huge Itsy Bitsy Spider cloth book
--a penguin-shaped bath toy
--A Place to Call Home by Alexis Deacon (in hardcover)
--water bottles

At least $40 worth of free stuff, at least at the MSRP. Woo.

I wanted to write more than this but this was such an exhausting day. Sunday is not a day of rest for me. Up before dawn, trying to get everyone fed and clean and dressed nicely and packed, dealing with Sunday transit, Mass doesn't let out until after noon, and the kids always seem to explode in the afternoon from all the pent-up energy. Today I really didn't get either lunch or dinner in a proper sit down state, only scrambled bits on the run, and then when both kids were finally asleep at night I sat down and ate two bowls of cherry ice cream. It was worse because I was trying to get some meal-making materials prepped for the coming week too. But at least I have some red pepper soup, pulled pork, rice, and other starters in the fridge now. And a meal plan! Oh man when was the last time I actually had a meal plan further ahead than one day. A LONG TIME AGO.

Roasting peppers really IS easy by the way. The peeling process feels pretty disgusting, granted, but it's easy. Now I feel like I want to try doing this with tomatoes.

food glorious food

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