get out get out get OUT

Aug 04, 2013 12:10

Maybe I'm silly, but it really never occurred to me that I would go overdue with this pregnancy. Not in any kind of meaningful, emotional way, at least. I was so afraid of going into labor before my mother got here, that was where all my worst case scenario mindset went.

All the women in my family, as far as I know, went into labor early. Even my mother, who went three weeks overdue with her first (I "only" went ten days) was a week early with her second (me). My paternal grandmother had both children over a MONTH early, and I don't know when exactly my maternal grandmother did, but I know they were not late.

Yet here I am, 40w1d. I've had less than 5 total "real" contractions (that is, contractions that I can't ignore enough to read a book or play a game or talk), the last of which was Thursday (and immediately followed by my daughter pouring cold water down my back, which stopped them).

(If anyone is afraid of preterm labor, maybe station a toddler with a cup of cold water around at all times. It's super effective!)

And everyone keeps whining at me and asking me how I'm feeling and I'm just. ugh.

I scheduled my 40 week appointment for Thursday because I never imagined I would NEED it. Now if I'm not in labor by tomorrow morning, I'm calling to reschedule and get seen ASAP. Last night, when it was almost midnight and I knew there was no way I wasn't going overdue, I actually started crying.

My dad is arriving Tuesday, and my parents are both leaving the Tuesday after that. Which would be 41w4d. I am now facing the serious possibility that this kid won't even be ex utero at that time.

All the natural birthing books and websites that are usually my sources are completely down on "social induction" (any induction for any reason of convenience, environment, finances, etc), but I cannot let that happen. I am not going to 41 weeks this time. I will handcuff myself to an IV of oxytocin if I have to. You can tear up my natural birth card, I don't care at this point. I've done an overdue completely med-free home birth, and it was great, but if someone appeared before me right now and said "You can get an induction today, but you have to have an epidural and give birth in stirrups," I'd be like "Deal." I'm not quite to the point where I'd prefer a c-section over going past 41w, but check with me on Saturday.

the bean formerly known as mr

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