Sum sum summertime

Jun 17, 2013 22:36

I'm finding sitting, especially in the evening, for an extended period of time to be very uncomfortable lately. Semi reclining with my feet up is good. But not good for typing. And I hate typing on a mobile device for longer than a few sentences. So blog writing has completely fallen away, and I'm not even commenting as much as I'd like. But I'm reading still.

Summer is such a crazy time for insects. We vanquished the ants (at least for now) and then we started having mango related fruit fly problems. It's just hard to keep ahead of nature.

I have discovered one unexpected upside of being late stage pregnant in the summer, which is that since you're not wearing a coat, people can tell you're pregnant much more easily. And then you score the bus seats and stuff.

An unexpected downside is that I'm finding it hard to drink enough water. And if I don't drink enough water I get Braxton Hicks contractions and they hurt. I need to start carrying a water bottle.

Pippa is very keen on all things baby. She does a ton of pretend play with her dolls and stuffed animals, and the ones at the play center, and she loves real babies and always wants to help their mothers too. I'm still not sure to what extent she understands what's coming. We've read lots of books and seen pictures that show baby is inside the mom, and she likes to kiss my tummy, but she never wants to try to feel baby sister kicking. Of course, baby sister is so sporadic and gentle with the kicks that it's hard to catch them. I think I may have cried wolf from her perspective because she's never felt anything and now she won't even try.

She does sometimes ask if her tummy is a baby tummy. We tell her that hers is a fruit tummy.

I'd like to write more but I've long past hit my mobile typing limit, so hopefully I'll be able,to,do more later. I have the final Disney post almost completed on my computer, I just need to finish it and add pictures.

the pipster, the bean formerly known as mr

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