except you, you were talking about the end of the world

Jun 03, 2013 23:02

I originally planned to make red beans and rice for dinner, but when I went to the pantry to get the rice, I discovered that I only had one cup left in the open bag. There was a closed bag but unopened rice bags intimidate me. I don't have the rice bag ninja skill where you cut the right thread and pull and it all comes out in a minute. I end up cutting again and again and having a million tiny threads. Plus Pippa was right at my feet trying to "help". So I closed the pantry door and decided to reevaluate my options.

I ended up making a bacon and mushroom omelet with toasted whole wheat pita and cherry tomatoes on the side. It was delicious and partially recompensed for the terrible performance by the Penguins (I turned it off near the beginning of the second period).

The sad thing is I still really want some rice. I even Googled to see about making a single serving of rice in the microwave but it seems like too much of a hassle. I guess this is why people buy frozen rice, a product which up until now has always caused an involuntary head shake. I'm still head shaking, but only on the inside now.


On Sunday I did what seemed to me like a fairly typical amount of walking, but by the afternoon my legs were really hurting, in that dull achy way that legs do at the end of the day when you've done an unaccustomed amount of standing or walking. I put my feet up as much as possible, and though they were still hurting when I went to bed, I figured I'd be fine by the morning. But in the morning they were STILL hurting. The Husband took the kids to the park so I could put my feet up again, which I did turbo fashion (three cushions rather than one). I felt so much better after an hour that I got up and did dishes before making lunch.

I almost erased that paragraph, figuring it wouldn't be interesting to anyone else, but I was looking back through my blog trying to get a sense of how this pregnancy compares to my last in terms of various symptoms, and what I found is that I didn't talk anywhere near as much as I thought I did about various symptoms. Maybe I should start making a list of some of them, so that I have a better comparison for next time. One thing I did see is that I'm not imagining it that this baby is much quieter than Pippa. I've finally gotten up to the point where I wrote about Pippa's movement in the last pregnancy, and by this point in that pregnancy I was already experiencing Pippa actually keeping me awake with her gymnastics. This baby definitely doesn't do that. She moves, but not a lot, and very gently usually. And still no hiccups.

I keep catching myself thinking about her as Mary Beatrice, so I don't know whether that name will stick or not. I also had a weird thought, if she was born very early (in June), to name her Magnolia June. At which point I have to get the baby a parasol and a mint julep I guess.

I do feel like this baby is going to be early, so she'll probably be eleven days late. (It's one louder.)


I've got the Epcot/end of trip post partially written, but it'll take a little while for me to finish it. I think I'm not going to post about the travel day home. I vented a bit about it at the time, and there's no sense digging up those memories. The moral of the story is, don't travel the day before a holiday if you can avoid it, and expect everyone to be completely grumpy if you can't. And when it rains it pours, and if it's Vancouver, the rain is literal and you have to walk in it for blocks. The end.

Vancouver is currently experiencing Perfect Weather, which for me is bright with a breeze and 70 degrees. This is about the temperature when everyone seems to agree we can stop wearing jackets. Even just a little bit colder and you will still see people wearing pretty thick coats. Vancouverites are the soft vulnerable underbelly of Canada, I guess, when it comes to weather.

food glorious food, vancouver: one who vancouves, the bean formerly known as mr, vacation all i ever wanted

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