through a glass narrowly

Feb 28, 2013 17:23

We have good news re: Pippa's vision; the problem is that she's outgrowing the glasses, which puts stress on the arms and nosepads and causes them to bend, warp or slip easily, and this is making them sit weirdly on her face and negating the bifocals (which need to sit in the right spot to work). She will need bigger frames soon, but we will need to wait for the new prescription. In the meantime, we will need to get the glasses adjusted frequently to keep them in the right place. This is annoying but at least they're under warranty and it's free.


I've been a bit depressed/overwhelmed lately, it seems like there's always too much to deal with, and not enough hours in my day, especially since I've still been having morning sickness. When you take out the morning for morning sickness and the afternoon for Pippa's nap and the evening for Pippa's meltdown period/dinner/bedtime, that doesn't leave me a lot of time to actually, y'know, leave the house. I was able to take her to the park on Saturday when it was briefly sunny (though windy as all get out) and that was lovely.

My midwife said my iron levels were on the low end of normal and suggested I take an iron supplement to help with that. (Iron requirements get very high in pregnancy.) I had some leftover controlled release iron so I've started taking that. I'm hoping this will help with my fatigue. (My TSH, because kisekileia was interested, was 1.65.)

I went to bed early last night and I'm probably going to do the same thing tonight.


I wrote the above yesterday. I'm feeling much much better today--I went to bed early, slept well, went OUT OF THE HOUSE, rain be damned, to go to a playgroup, and then afterward, I went to Fujiya, a Japanese market, and got more sushi supplies. I also got donuts on the way home because I changed buses right outside the store. How do you change buses outside a donut shop without buying some donuts? It's unpossible.

Then when I got home, I was momentarily bummed because March 3rd is Hinamatsuri and I wanted to make chirashizushi for that, but then I remembered that The Husband is working that night and we have church in the morning so there's no time. Then I had the brilliant idea to do it Saturday night when he's not working. Then I had the further brilliant idea to invite some people over. So I don't know if anyone can come for sure yet, but I have three "maybe-probablys" and I should find out for sure by tomorrow night.

If people come, then I would like to do it kind of like a make-your-own-taco bar, only with sushi. So I cut up the veg and seafood, and people add it to their rice. I got brown rice because I like brown rice better in general and I also heard it's easier to make sushi rice with brown rice.

So far for seafood I have red tuna, sockeye salmon, tobiko, and prawns. If it's just us we'll probably only do the tuna, salmon and tobiko and save the shrimp for another time. I have carrot, avocado, corn, snow peas, lettuce, and baby bok choy for veg--I also want to get cucumber. Maybe make omelet too--I personally don't like omelet on mine, but many people do.

I also bought pickled ginger at the shop--it was 85 cents per hundred grams, so I couldn't resist, when I know how much my husband likes it. However, the pickled ginger in the deli take-out container leaked all over everything else!!! Fortunately, everything else was in packaging, so it wasn't a disaster.

I bought some nori and soy wrappers so that if anyone is keen to make other kinds of sushi they can do so. The wrappers keep unopened forever so it's not a big deal if we don't use them this weekend.

I want to try making sushi more often at home because you do save a bunch and we're lucky to live somewhere where the ingredients are so accessible. I just added up the cost of the ingredients if we make enough for five people and it's under $30. At my usual budget sushi place, a bowl of tuna and sockeye salmon chirashi with brown rice is $12. So that's $60 for five people and it doesn't include shrimp, plus you need to tip, plus you'll probably buy drinks and stuff. We have pop and juice and tea and even alcohol for those who want some.

I haven't decided yet whether I want to try making miso soup again or not. I'm leaning towards not. I've already decided to just do fruit for dessert.

The place is a messsssss but I'll do my best to get it clean, rely if necessary on the age old "shove crap into the spare room" trick if necessary, and draw on my reserves of friendship to excuse anything else. I don't want to fall into what my friend Mary called CHAOS ("can't have anyone over syndome" lol).


Now that the Pope has stepped down, I feel like I need to use this icon while I still can. I will miss you for so many reasons, Holy Father, but the visual pun is definitely one of them.

joye: domestic entrepreneur, food glorious food

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