I'm on my break. forever.

Feb 26, 2013 21:13

I've hit my limit. Pippa woke up crying halfway through her nap and couldn't be comforted (she even refused to nurse), and went all the way to a tantrum... she's had less than five tantrums in her entire life, so this is very unusual. There she was, lying on the bed face down and kicking and sobbing. I have no idea what was up. So tonight was rough.

I wanted to do some major cleaning and then make sauerkraut as a fun project but neither one is going to happen. I'm going to sit here, maybe have some leftover tomato hash, and then go to bed and watch movies or play Plants vs. Zombies or similar.

Oh! The tomato hash. This was an experiment I made today for lunch and it worked REALLY well. BOTH toddlers (who usually don't like the same thing, and neither one of which like spinach) hoovered it up and got seconds, INCLUDING the spinach (I had to restrain my face from expressing my emotion when I saw Pippa licking spinach off her fingers).

1 large can (796 ml) crushed tomatoes (mine was no salt added)
1 can black beans, drained and rinsed
1 can red kidney beans, drained and rinsed
1/2 of a 1kg package of frozen hashbrowns (so, roughly one pound)
3 cloves sliced garlic
2/3 bunch trimmed spinach (it would have been the whole bunch but I got tired of trimming and just wanted to eat)
1/2 c. leftover sauteed mushrooms from taco night
Italian seasoning (because I'm lazy)
shredded cheddar cheese (optional, garnish)

Dump tomatoes, black beans, kidney beans, and garlic into large pot (I used a stock pot). You can rinse out the tomato can if you like (I did, about 1/4 c of water total) and add that also. Bring to a boil over medium heat. Add frozen hashbrowns ("hashbrowns" describes so many different things, in this case, I mean the diced kind, not the shredded kind or the formed patty kind). Stir occasionally until mixture is hot. Add spinach, mushrooms, and seasoning. Cook until spinach is completely wilted. Taste and adjust seasoning.

Serve garnished with cheese.

The finished product has a thick texture like hash. It was tangy and savory and had a surprising amount of textural variation.

I bet all kinds of leftover and fresh vegetables would work in it. Also, I bet you could use leftover sauteed potatoes instead of hashbrowns.


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