Diclectin redux; 聖家節

Jan 13, 2013 21:11

So, I've hit a speed bump in my morning sickness treatment. Now the medical name for morning sickness is actually "nausea and vomiting of pregnancy" (NVP) because of course it can strike at any time of day, but for most women the morning seems to be the worst time.

Diclectin is an extended release formula which has a peak approximately six hours after taking and a half life of ten to twelve hours (azora is busily taking notes I'm sure). The reason why they have you take two at bedtime, then one to two during the day, is so that you have the strongest amount in your system possible leading up to your wake-up time, since that tends to be peak misery time for many women.

However. This pregnancy for me, it's completely flip-turned upside down; evening/night is the worst for me. That became VERY pronounced yesterday, when I took one pill around 11am, and didn't take any more until 8pm--I started feeling queasy around 7pm, and overnight I threw up twice, which was double no fun because I'm pretty sure I threw up the medication too. So this morning was not as easy as yesterday morning because I didn't have as much medicine in my system.

So today I staggered my doses better--as soon as I woke up, 3pm, 8pm, and I'm going to take another when I go to sleep. I'm still having a bit of queasiness but definitely much better than yesterday. Bearable. Hopefully tomorrow will be as good as the first day I took it (where I took a dose at 4pm and then a double dose at 9pm).

One little other bonus is that Diclectin has possibly the cutest medication imprint ever:

I'm feeling confident enough that I'm actually going to try to start taking my prenatal vitamin again, which I haven't been able to take for a week.


Today in the old calendar is the Feast of the Holy Family, which is the titular feast of our parish, so the parish celebrated in classic parish-y style with WOO POTLUCK.

Every potluck has That One Dish that somehow seven different families get the inspiration to bring. This time it was scalloped potatoes. Seriously, seven different bowls of scalloped potatoes, with variations. I love scalloped potatoes so this was not a problem for me, but it does get a little embarrassing of course because obviously somebody brings The Best (or at least the most attractive/nicest smelling on the table) That One Dish and theirs disappears first, and inevitably somebody else must therefore have The Worst, and go home with their dish three-quarters full.

In this case, The Best was truly awesome (PERFECT crust) whereas The Worst wasn't really so bad (I tried it when I went back up for seconds--there were 200 people at this potluck, so it was one of only a few dishes left when everyone had their full), it was just... odd. The potatoes weren't sliced, they were skinned and halved horizontally, and there were I think zucchini coins in there (I scooped around the zucchinis because of my veg aversion). It tasted more like, well, skinned potato halves in a mild sauce.

There was also some kind of white... baked... casserole... thing... with sesame seeds on it... which I took some of (it was barely touched) and I STILL don't know what it was. Cauliflower? Maybe. Edit: Out of curiosity I googled "casserole with sesame seeds on top" and I'm pretty sure this is the casserole. Frozen hash browns! That makes sense. I think people are just afraid to take things at a potluck like this (where there are tons of people and tons of dishes and you only get one shot through the line with one plate) that they can't identify. Because it sucks when you've taken up Vital Plate Space with something that doesn't taste good.

No one brought sushi this time! Which is probably for the best because I'm pretty sure sushi would get a food aversion reaction from me right now. So my mind would be all

but my body would be all

and it wouldn't be a happy thing.

Edit: Oh I forgot the other thing that was weird about this potluck, is that they put out the appetizers with the desserts. So everybody's stuffed themselves with savories, and then out with the cheesecake and brownies and pudding and cake and rice krispie squares there's a forlorn dish of seven layer dip and crackers. I ordinarily love seven layer dip and at a typical potluck I think it would have gotten cleaned up but this time I think it only got a third eaten (I didn't take any for sure). The cheese, fruit and cracker trays didn't do so badly because cheese and fruit as dessert is a concept that people are more familiar with than seven layer dip as dessert, lol.

food glorious food, next stop dutch elm disease

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