upward bound

Jan 08, 2013 16:43

Today went better overall... I did wake up pretty much on time, and got out to the playroom, and I did reward myself with a trip for donair take-out... except that due to a few factors, it took me extra time to get home, so I didn't actually get to eat my donair until like 45 minutes after it was made. So the falafel wasn't hot and the pita was getting soggy. :( But it was still pretty tasty.

I took a twenty minute power nap when The Husband was in the shower (Pippa was playing with the iPad). It was a mixed success--I don't feel totally refreshed, but at least I don't feel worse than I did before the nap.

The Pipster is down for her nap as of about 3:30 so we'll see how the rest of the day goes with her.

I had a bad bout of nausea around 11am (fortunately I was able to keep it pretty low key and drink some tea and it was gone after about an hour) and I'm having another right now (fortunately again, she's napping). I need to call back the relative whom I had the bad phone call with yesterday but I really don't want to do it when I'm feeling so crappy. I'm hoping it'll pass, but I'm worried that it's gonna be harder because obviously I have the stress of the phone call hanging over me.

I'm really just hoping I can get this together and sleep tonight. I have so much to do this week. In particular, banking stuff, and getting my blood tests done for Mr. Bean.

On a lighter note, Pip was being cute today as always. She found some change on the floor, and when I took it away from her, she shrieked "My money! My money!"

We knew we shouldn't laugh but it was just so funny that the first time she actually correctly uses the possessive form, it would be about money. It's extra funny because she really isn't possessive about anything else--she lets LB play with all her toys. Why is she so into money?

She's taken to saying "Sure" when we ask her to do stuff, which also cracks me up for some reason. "Pippa, put this in the laundry basket." "Sure."

Here's a very short video of her from December that I forgot to share on here:

She got distracted by the iPhone flash.

Edit: The downstairs neighbors are making something VERY strong smelling for dinner... nothing that would ordinarily bother me, but right now it's really hard to deal with.

Oh, I also have to say that I was relieved to find out that most women in second pregnancies start showing before 12 weeks. I was like "gahhhh I've got a baby bump already even though I still weigh ten pounds less than I did before I got pregnant last time what is this what is this" and apparently it's because the abdominal muscles are all "Oh hey I remember this pregnancy biz" and basically give up the ghost immediately.

On the plus side, wearing maternity clothes is still New and Exciting. I have a couple of maternity pieces I really like, so I'm relishing the excitement where I can here.

the pipster, the bean formerly known as mr

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