I've gotten into a vicious cycle lately where I toss and turn and feel queasy at night, thus making me exhausted in the morning, thus making it so I don't do anything other than lie on the couch/day bed and prevent Pippa from killing herself/burning down the house all morning, thus making it so that she doesn't get out and burn energy so she's not ready for a nap until 3pm or later, thus making it so that she wakes up grumpy just when it's time to make dinner, thus making dinner a rushed and even more unpleasant affair than it would be due to my lack of appetite and hair-trigger nausea, thus making neither of us eat well, thus making me emotionally worn out but physically keyed up when she gets to bed, thus making me not getting anything done after she gets to bed either but staying up because my body isn't tired, and far too late I finally tumble into bed and toss and turn and feel queasy. Repeat.
It's made worse by pretty much everything we usually attend--playrooms, library, etc--having been on winter break. Our favorite playroom opens up tomorrow, thank God, so I'm hoping that if I set out everyone's clothes and make refrigerator oatmeal to eat for breakfast, that I can barrel through my morning exhaustion, get everybody out of the house, and stay at the playroom, where they have free coffee and tea for the moms, and the kids can work off their energy on the slide and so on.
I'm in a bit of a jam because I'm craving protein... but not any of the protein I have easily cookable in the house. In particular I would like a burger or a chicken sandwich or some other protein-on-bread thing. But it has to be homemade or homemade-style--not a frozen patty. We don't have any bread, full-stop, and I don't even have any yeast, so I can't even make some.
If I do make it out to the playroom tomorrow I think I will reward/motivate myself by getting some take-out to bring home for lunch. There's a couple sandwich places nearby--I know for sure there's a donair (gyro) place and a panini place. And even a McDonald's if I want to annoy The Husband.
I keep opening the refrigerator as if something will have magically appeared in there that I can stomach, but no such luck. And The Husband is working so I can't make him get me something. Grump.
The Pipster didn't fall asleep until 4pm today, and she has woken twice but wanted to go back to sleep both times, so I don't know what's going to happen there.
Edit: Grah. At 7pm, a family member of the great-grandparent generation called, and said something about the phone working at her end, so I was confused and thought there was something wrong with the call, so I was saying "Hello? Hello?" like you do, and it was very confusing because I couldn't figure out what she was talking about (the call quality sounded fine) but I could tell she was angry. Then I thought, did I make plans with her and forgot about it?, so I was trying to rack my brain to remember any such plans, but couldn't think of any. So, thinking I should cut to the chase, I said "What's this about?" and she answered "If you don't know, then we have nothing to talk about." And I was silent for a moment but then I had a lightning flash and realized that it must be that she's heard about the pregnancy from someone else and is offended that we didn't call her directly. So I said "Oh! Is this about the pregnancy? Of course, you're not on Facebook..." and I was babbling a bit, but when I paused, I realized that she had, at some point, hung up on me, so I don't know what, if anything, she actually heard.
Unlike last pregnancy, other than my parents, his parents (and people who were there at his parents during Christmas), and
mentalguy (who was going to be a houseguest and thus needed to understand what was up), we didn't tell anybody directly this time; I made the Facebook/blog announcements, and to the extent that I thought about it, sort of naively assumed that the elder generation phone tree would take care of people off the internet. For one thing, I know on MY end, that my mom basically called everybody she could to brag share the news as soon as we told her the embargo was off, so I guess I assumed that Gordon's mom would want to do the same thing?
I hate all these transgenerational etiquette breakdowns to start with, and when you throw in in-law cultural differences, it's a whole other level of potential fail. Especially because Gordon's family tends to be a LOT more synchronous than the family culture I come from (if you're familiar with the psychology lingo of family styles;
this page has a good description of the four styles, although I think the supposed example is flawed). "If you don't know, we have nothing to talk about" is so synchronous it HURTS. I really don't handle that style of interaction well.
After I realized she hung up, I paced and tried to figure out if I should call her back right away or not. I ended up calling my mother and asking for her advice. She suggested that I wait until tomorrow so that emotions have cooled down, and my dad suggested calling another family member who might have pertinent advice. So I'm going to do that now.