"...for they will be called children of God"

Nov 03, 2012 16:14

I'm not feeling any too great and I'm probably not making matters any better by eating junk food. Leftover Halloween candy and such.

Pip has been soooo full of beans these past few days, and yet eating like a bird. I don't know where she's getting her energy. Yesterday we went to the library and she was running around and around. All the other little babies and toddlers were sitting so nicely for the stories and rhymes but I was up every minute chasing her. Afterwards we went to the park and she climbed around a bit but for the most part she sat or stood still looking at chestnuts, and putting chestnuts into and out of a lidless sippy cup that someone left at the park.

Her dad took her to Daddy and Me breakfast this morning and he said she was very energetic there too and hardly ate. She is nursing a bunch though. Maybe that's why I'm able to eat so badly and not gain. I shouldn't make it a habit I guess.

Yesterday something soooo sweet happened. The Husband and I were both grumpy and stressed and rushed at dinner because he'd been working all morning and was going to sing at the All Souls Mass that evening, and I'd been dealing with her inexhaustible energy all day, so I was wiped. I'm sorry to say we were not being very nice to each other, and we were snapping about something, I don't even remember what the topic was.

Pippa loves walking with someone holding hands and she indicates she wants to do this by reaching out and saying "Hand!" She was sitting in her high chair and said "Hand!" to Gordon, so he gave her his hand, then she said "Hand!" to me, and I gave her mine.

Then she put our hands together and grinned at us.

Of course we melted. Could you keep being grumpy if that happened to you? That would require a pretty high level of grump.

She really is very sweet and solicitous, very empathetic. In fact one area that we do have a problem is that Gordon really gets into it with his whole body when he's mad about something. So he could be ranting about something like politics or whatever, and it makes Pippa VERY upset. It's been hard for him to sublimate that and limit his talk about things that he KNOWS will upset him to when she's not around. But she really picks up on other people's moods, and wants to help if someone is sad.

Even though Gordon took Pip all morning, I spent the entire time catching up on housework, so it didn't really feel like a break. Hopefully, however, with all I got done today, I can really have Sunday as a day of rest, like it ought to be. And hopefully physically we'll all be feeling good. Gordon thinks he's getting the cold that Pip and I are recovering from. Deus avertat!

the pipster

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