1. I have a task to do that I have been putting off and really need to get done, so I'm going to do one 7QT bullet point, work for ten minutes, and then do another bullet point, and so on until the task is done. Honestly this is a task that will take maybe 30 or 40 minutes, I've just been kind of depressed about it. One of those negative feedback cycles where the more you put it off the more you feel guilty and the more you don't want to think about it and so the more you put it off.
2. I have two boxes of spring mix lettuces that got frozen. Could I make soup or stirfry with them? Would that deal with the weird texture issue that salad greens get when they get frozen? I would hate to waste them. My sister-in-law suggested making a green smoothie. Anybody try that?
3. You know that old maxim about not bringing up religion or politics at social gatherings. I think in the modern era that dietary choices should be considered in the same category. Not off limits, for sure, but liable to the same amount of heated debates, judgments and tears, and thus something to be dealt with cautiously.
In all three you have to deal with proselytizers. Some people wanna save your soul, some wanna save the nation, some wanna save your body, and some wanna save the planet. Of the four, my deepest sympathy lies with the first, for obvious reasons. Even if I disagree with the other person's beliefs about religion, I can never get angry at someone for wanting me to gain heaven (or whatever the ultimate destination of happiness is for them). I wish I were brave enough or wise enough or tactful enough or enough the mix of the three to be able to share Catholicism's truth in a way that would do good not harm. I feel sometimes like I hide behind the old Franciscan "preach the gospel at all times, when necessary use words" cliche without using words when it is necessary. I just don't want to debate, I want to love instead, but I don't know how.
Anyway, there are two dietary groups that I personally most frequently see preaching on Facebook and similar: the vegetarian/vegans, classic and still going but quieter and fewer than in past years; and the paleo group, more numerous and louder even than their numbers. It's amusing to watch the statuses go by, especially when a meat-chomping paleo fan and a vegan both share the same "dairy is evil" link, for example.
I don't know what the answer is about what's healthy or not for food. I think I do okay. I am trying to lessen processed foods from my diet but I don't know if I will ever eliminate them. I don't think I have what it takes to do any kind of "lifestyle" diet. I'm just glad I don't have some severe food allergy or something that requires me to do that kind of thing. It seems like it must be exhausting, unless you have the kind of super-organized personality that thrives on control (emphatically not me).
3. Some people do have that kind of personality but I don't know if it's necessarily a good thing. I've known several people who were super driven, overworking, type A kind of people, have some kind of health scare like an ulcer or heart attack, and then throw themselves into diet as hard as they've thrown themselves into every other task in their life. And then they diet and exercise so hard that they look like they're literally wasting away. Also these people tend to be the worst about making snide remarks about what other people are eating. I'm thinking of someone in particular (not anyone who is at all likely to read this) who is the kind of person who says stuff like "Did you know that the donut you're eating contains as much saturated fat as you should eat in an entire day?"
Did you know that it was totally worth it?
4. I bought an umbrella today from Sears, since the location closest to us is closing and I had a few bucks on a gift card to use up. On the way home, it started to drizzle, so I opened it up and it broke! Argh, so irritating. It's a Totes umbrella so it has a warranty but it wouldn't be worth it because you have to pay shipping both directions. Because the location is closing, everything is final sale, but I called and they said I could exchange it. Phew.
5. I went to get some stuff from someone on Freecycle today and while I was there they asked me if I would like their blender. I ended up taking it and I'm going to see if it's any better than the blender I have now (which kind of sucks). I'll re-Freecycle whichever one is worse.
6. This should have been obvious, but I never realized how easy it is to make really pretty good tasting tomato sauce starting with a can of crushed tomatoes. We did that today with beans and mushrooms and garlic and it was quite simple and tasty and didn't take long at all.
7. I finished the procrastinated thing. Yay!