
Feb 03, 2012 00:46

We went to the Candlemas Mass tonight. I almost didn't go because I couldn't find Pippa's shoes (she likes to carry them around, they're some of her favorite toys) and the light went out in the living room and we didn't have another bulb, so it was hard to look in the dark (especially while wearing a sleeping baby). But I made it out the door and I caught the express bus so I was on time.

Pippa fell asleep in the wrap before we left and slept through the entire Mass and all the way home, and even made it into her crib, but woke up a few minutes after being put in the crib.

I think that's pretty funny that she fell asleep in one place, got schlepped on two buses, went through a Mass with (somewhat loud) Gregorian chant and polyphony and a procession and all that stuff, and a post-Candlemas celebratory trip to Dairy Queen for Mama and Daddy to split a cone, and then back on two more buses to come home, and then woke up, in the same place she had fallen asleep. Imagine if that kind of thing happened to adults.

"Did I miss anything while I was napping?"

"Oh, we lifted the mattress and carted you onto a float for the St. Patrick's Day parade, and then we went to a step dancing class, and then we came home."

Post-Mass, I was waiting for The Husband to come down from the choir loft and there was a small pile of extra blessed candles.

"Oh, that's nice, maybe I'll take--"



Old lady ambles out.

Me: :|

As it turned out there were a few more so I got a few after all.

So anyway when we got home Pippa woke up after being in her crib for a few minutes, so we changed her into her jammies, and then she didn't want to go back to sleep. So she played for about an hour and then we got her back to sleep.

I can't believe it's almost Lent. I don't know what I'm going to give up at all.

drollery, one holy apostolic

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