I can't apologize. Not for this. I said it eight years ago whenever I began
dessilyn in not so many words. I'm not perfect and things I say will offend some people. I don't say the "n" word, I rarely say the "f" word that applies to gays, the "c" word is rare as well. I had few friends then, and I have few friends now. People have come and gone, people have hurt me intentionally and tried to say they didn't. I don't know who it was, and it was because of that that I skimmed down my friends list. I did this because I knew there were people out there understanding to what I felt.
I said some things in my last post that I don't regret. I'm pissed off at the way the media portrays things, the way people do things and why. Sometimes there isn't reason to answer "Why?" But it grinds my fucking gears. One of the few real things that do, and I'm not sorry about it. My personal experiences lead me to these feelings, what I see, what I know, what I feel god damnit, and if that's one of the few things that ruffle feathers in a real life setting, then so be it. Hell, I'll be proud of being able to pull these emotions out of people, because at least they still care, at least they can still take a stand and push against my tide.
Being with Di has taught me something important. You don't have to agree with someone all the time to love them. Hell, it's a rare day where she and I agree on even what to have for lunch. I wanna smack the shit out of people for their posts on facebook about how the world will be better once Obama is gone, as if it's his fault entirely that the world is the way it is whenever it's not, it's just an easy scapegoat. I wanna call up my Mama Barb and tell her to open her god damn mind about dozens of topics. I want to beat the SHIT out of my older brother for wanting to be a single guy after three kids to two girls, being over age 30 now. I know my thoughts, I know my beliefs, and I stand by them, and if one of them gets in my way and pisses me off, I'm going to write about them, damned be the consequences.
I love you all to death. That's why I kept you close whenever I threw out people that I knew even longer, because I can trust you guys to not judge so harshly. I'm not perfect, I never will be, and one of these days, I'll piss every one of you off for some reason. One of these days I'm going to go off the handle about something, but until then, give me some fucking slack. If I say something off-the-wall that isn't intoned and expanded upon without questioning, it means it's something that doesn't mean much to me, and shouldn't mean much to any of you. Until I start shouting out "White power, cleanse the races, let's clean up the population and stop any biased media from making its way through the cracks", that means that I'm still me, and I have my quirks, my faults, my total flaws.
Remember, I love you all, but if you can't accept me, flaws and all...then just turn away now. I'm going to berate, I'm going to rant, I'm going to make mistakes and I'm going to say shit you don't like. Just forget about the bits you don't like, and they're bound not to stay around long. I'm me, and that's all I can be.