This time I retreated to a fandom I've called my home for about 5 or 6 years now. I like it, because when I come home, it gives me a nice warm bed to sleep in. Unfortunately, it also gives me a bout of insomnia due to the fact that any one of the fellow fangirls could smother me with a pillow in my sleep.
Welcome to the suburbia of fandoms, otherwise known as Kingdom Hearts. I call it the suburbia of fandoms because it behaves as such. If you do something that pisses off your neighbors, you pay for it with your reputation. Especially in the fan art community, everyone knows everyone and they can drag your dirty laundry out on the lawn for all to see. (See: YaoiGoddessKeale)
But for all its faults, when you find a place it's quite cozy. But like a Romero film, you have to be on your toes since small fandom spats have been known to erupt. Mostly over pairings, which is fucking ridiculous since pretty much no pairing is canon. (Hinted, but not canon.)
What is this intro leading up to? The ripping apart of porno fanfic synopsis!
Before I begin, a lulzy synopsis.
"The play was magical Sora, yes it was. Especially since my best friend next to me is making out with his boyfriend and there’s also the fact I hate musicals."
I GOTS YOU A: Axel desperately wants to feel anything, even if it means feeling pain, and Larxene is all too happy to give him just what he wants. LARXEL. Angst, BP, D/s, Dom, Language, M/F, S&M, Tort, Violen
Genki: Spoiler: Larxene is a vampire.
I GOTS YOU A: She lived the life of enchantment, until he came along and changed everything. Will have lemon in later chapters. Xaldin/Belle. Angst, M/F, Lemon, HJ, Oral, WIP
Genki: Raping your childhood in all known (and unknown) meanings of the phrase.
I GOTS YOU A: AU. Mpreg. Yaoi. When Riku asked Sora to marry him, he was more than ecstatic to accept the proposal, but Sora never anticipated the reaction from Riku’s three kids. And did he forget to mention he was only a YEAR older than Riku’s eldest! Anal, AU/AR, M/M,
Genki: Well deck out Riku in a maroon robe, grab Sora's hot twin named Roxas to be Riku's fuckbuddy, and call him Hugh Hefner!
I GOTS YOU A: Part 1 of the Our Fathers series; Father Axel takes a special interest in one of his flock. [axel x roxas] serious religion/priest kink Anal, AU/AR, M/M, Oral
MavX: Axel would make the perfect priest!
Genki: WHY.
MavX: ... for Cthulu.
Genki: Oh... okey-dokey!
I GOTS YOU A: chap 1reprised with smut, and now i feel like a pervert, anyway werewolves Abuse, Anal, Anthro, AU/AR, Beast, N/C, Yaoi
Genki: Werewolf/anthro versions of KH characters, fucking sweet, this furry can dig it. Smut of werewolf/anthro versions of KH characters, uh... still no problems even though I wouldn't go out and look for it. Characters being raped by dogs, NOW you stepped over the line! Bestiality is illegal in 29 states (misdemeanor in 14 states, a felony in 15)
Bestiality is just one of those squicks for me since I'm pretty active in helping animals, especially abused ones. You gotta be pretty fucked up to want to screw a cat.
Not so lulzy, but damnit I had an axe to grind!
I GOTS YOU A: Donald x Sora. After Goofy dies, they are filled with grief Anal, Anthro, COMPLETE, H/C, M/M, WAFF
Genki: Because fucking ducks fixes all your problems!
MavX: Wait, Goofy dies?
Genki: I guess.
I GOTS YOU A: Roxas is a Jew in a predominantly Christian town. Antisemitism is a bitch. Other
MavX: Is this Kingdom Hearts or Fiddler on the Roof?
Genki: It's called AU, dude. It fucking sucks most of the time.
I GOTS YOU A: Happy Sixteenth, Roxas. Abuse, Anal, Angst, AU/AR, B-Mod, BP, Death, H/C, Language, M/M, Minor, N/C, Tort, Trans, Violence, WAFF, WIP, Yaoi
Genki: I love the contradictions of the tags. "Death, bloodplay, rape, torture, violence, WARM AND FUZZY FEELINGS!"
I GOTS YOU A: (REPOSTED)While walking around late one night in Traverse Town Sephiroth is confronted by a hooker. But is she really a hooker? Is she even really a she? Final Fantasy 9 finally debus in Kingdom Hearts!
Genki: Oh, this was Kuja/Sephiroth by the way. It makes just as much sense as it sounds. Lest we forget Kuja wears fucking MANTIES.
I GOTS YOU A: Saïx will do anything to please the Superior...even wear a leash and collar. Xemnas/Saïx Anal, BDSM, D/s, HJ, M/M, Oral, PWP
Genki: Bark like a dog, woman!
I GOTS YOU A: Zexion becomes a little too curious, only to face scribbling fingers, and restrictive vines. MarluxiaxZexion Anal, Fet, M/M, Oneshot,
I GOTS YOU A: Axel visits Marluxia's garden for a little alone time and discovers that sometimes a plant isn't just a plant. Anal, M/M, PWP, Tent
Genki: Okay guys, Marluxia tentacles. Enough.
I GOTS YOU A: Roxas wants to try something new with Axel. (Warning: contails ageplay and urine play.) Anal, Humil, M/M, Oral, PWP, WS
Genki: There's a huge difference between trying something new and.... this.
I GOTS YOU A: This is one hell of a boss battle. Just trust me. Anal, Angst, Beast, DP, Minor, N/C, Oneshot, Other, PWP, Tent, Violence
I GOTS YOU A: Saix/Xigbar. Warning: violence, blood and other horrible things inside. Abuse, Angst, COMPLETE, Oneshot, Other, Tort, Violence, Yaoi
Genki: Saix seems to be torturing people, which honestly, I don't see his character doing that on his own free will.
I GOTS YOU A: The deaths of their friends bring them together, but their happy ending won't end happily unless the voices say so. - Abuse, Anal, Angst, AU/AR, Beast, BP, Death, DP, Fet, H/C, Language, M/M, Minor, N/C, Other, Scat, SH, Toys, Trans, Violence, WIP, WS, Yaoi
Genki: Nice grocery list of fetishes. This one's got a little something for everyone!
I GOTS YOU A: What should Axel do when he hears, then sees Marluxia masturbating in his room? Join in of course!! COMPLETE, M/M, Oneshot, Oral, SoloM, Yaoi
Genki: The only logical choice. Not, you know, profusely apologizing and leaving to retrieve eye bleach.
I GOTS YOU A: Demyx is tired of people protecting him. But how will hold up against the devil himself, in a world of angst and abuse? XigDem AkuRoku ZexMar LuxVex LarxXaldin VincentReno Implied Zemyx Implied XigLarXal Don't read if squeamish. Abuse, Anal, Angst, AU/AR, BDSM, Bi, B-Mod, Bond, BP, D/s, Dom, F/M/M, Fet, HJ, Inc, Language, M/F, M/M, Minor, N/C, Oral, S&M, SH, SoloM, Tort, UST, Violence, Voy, WD, WIP, Yaoi
Genki: Oh wait, this one has more. Seriously, I had to Google up translations for this one. Jesus Christ.
I was wondering while working on this; where do fangirls get the idea that all the Organization does is collect hearts and fuck? So after much begging and pleading (and promising to write a letter of apology on behalf of the KH fandom to Xemnas,) I managed to get the more compliant Nobodies to answer that very question!
Marluxia: That isn't smart to get attached. Too much work, too little time.
Roxas: It's to get hearts, make sure you're not caught...investigate areas...
Axel: And do missions. There's always some room for breaks, but there isn't enough to ... dick around constantly.
Zexion: Correct. We must also avoid detection while on the missions, and then make sure to put some kind of effort into it overall.
Lexaeus: Missions aren't games, but some see it as such. ...Speaking of, is Luxord Playing Go Fish with Larxene?
That's where fangirls get the idea that all they do is fuck?
Demyx: ... I dunno, they scare me.
As well they should, Demy. As well they should.
And now back to our program! And you all get back to work you slackers!
I GOTS YOU A: Sora is back and nothing has changed. At the same time everything has. SoraxTidus Angst, COMPLETE, H/C, M/M
Genki: This is probably a dumb question; but which Tidus are we talking about? The fashionably challenged FFX version or the jailbait KH version? I wanted to staple a fucking pantleg on the guy in FFX!
I GOTS YOU A: Radiant Garden, a boarding school, is home to many students, including Hikari brothers, Sora, Roxas and well as a secretive Organization...AU & Slash! SoraRiku, AxelRoxas, DemyxZexion, CloudLeon Abuse, Anal, AU/AR, HJ, M/M, Oral, SH, SoloM, WD, WIP, Yaoi
Genki: Welcome to Fangirl Prepatory School. Where everyone is gay and fucking like rabbits. I just noticed on the banner ads for yaoi on AFF they're all written by women. How reliable can their tales of buttsex be? And why do women think it's OMG KAWAII? I don't mind yaoi, I think some pairings could be cute if it weren't just raw LET'S FUCK CONSTANTLY and there was a functional relationship behind it, but it's not hot and you're trivializing some people's sexual preference and turning it into spank fodder. You should be ashamed.
I GOTS YOU A: Leon goes on a routine sweep of the castle in Hollow Bastion, but what happens when the MCP is back up and running? MCPxLeon, LeonxCloud Anal, Bond, Humil, M/M, N/C, Oral, Tent, Tort, Yaoi
Genki: What happens? Horrible horrible things. It's like that movie about the killer computer virus. Except it doesn't kill, it rapes.
I GOTS YOU A: Roxas is bored with his life. There is nothing to do, but what will happen when someone new comes to his school? Will he be able to stay away from the darkness? Abuse, Anal, BDSM, Bond, CBT, D/s, HJ, Humil, M/M, Oral, Rim, S&M, SoloM, Spank, Tort, Toys, WIP, Yaoi
Genki: CBT is an acronym only found in the ninth level of Hell. Look it up.
To test my theory, I asked Obby to look it up.
(THIS IS GENKI) Sora-kun: It's a reggae band made of ants and bad news; the drummer? He sucks. says:
Does that acronym make you want to grab something to guard your crotch?
Nah... I've got balls of steel. [Translation: yes]
I GOTS YOU A: In one way he didn't want this and in just about every other way he did. It was sick. Vexen/Zexion drabble COMPLETE, M/M, Oneshot, Shouta, Yaoi
Genki: Vexen's 26. Zexy's 11. That's just nasty, I'm sorry, there's just no excuse for this.
If you attempted every Organization XIII pairing possible, you'd have to write 156 oneshots!
Adding threesomes, you'd have to write 1716 oneshots.
Adding orgies, you'd have to write 17160 oneshots.
Hopefully this broke up the awkwardness of that pedofic above!
I GOTS YOU A: A drabble about Demyx and his connection to the element he controls. Best read listening to "Digital Bath" by the Deftones Anal, COMPLETE, M/M, Oral, SoloM, Yaoi. {Demyx/His Clones}
Genki: You know, this pairing got a piece of art, which was featured as Worst Fanart of the Week on my archaic blog. I still can't unsee it. Thanks, author from dredging up horrible memories.
I GOTS YOU A: Sequel to Cold Sting. Vexen/Zexion, potential squick, needles; Deperation is not so tender a trap. Abuse, Anal, Angst, BDSM, Bond, CBT, Fet, Humil, M/M, N/C, Other, Tort, Yaoi
Genki: You know who else liked needles in his dick? Albert Fish. You know what he was arrested for? Killing children, eating them, and then writing letters to their parents detailing what recipe he used and how delicious their children were. And what am I thinking? I'm thinking about which goes better with Zexion, red or white wine.
I GOTS YOU A: "I couldn't return. I couldn't let your fairy words reach me." Roxas wishes he could return, but the things lurking in the shadows give him fear and chase him away. Angst, Lime, N/C, Shonen-Ai, Yaoi
Genki: I only chose this because of the quote. That's the funniest sentence I've read since My Immortal's gold mine of horror. Hell, I used it as my MSN name for a while.
I GOTS YOU A: He likes to push your buttons. And he can still hit every one of them without missing a beat. But thankfully for you, you can push his just as easily. After all, he's you. [Replica RikuxRiku] Anal, Lime, Shonen-Ai, WAFF, Yaoi
Genki: I feel like I should know the answer to this, but wouldn't this be masturbation? I mean... it's your clone.
I GOTS YOU A: This is based on the plot of the games and some original stuff... we shall see what was Sora's sex life like in the games... we might see Riku's too. OC, M/F, M/F/F, M/F , M/M/M, Bi, Minor, Anal, BDSM, Beast, Bond, D/s, FemDom, Fet, Fist, Furs, HJ, Lemon, MaleDom, N/C, Nec, O
Genki: "Dude, when you're done saving the world and shit, chicks will be humping you left and right. And by chicks I mean 'men who look like chicks.'"
I GOTS YOU A: Sora is drunk and horny, but can't find anyone to smex with. Sora/Heartless PWP, Yaoi, Beast
Genki: So he just grabs the closest thing to fuck? ... keep him away from my cat.
I GOTS YOU A: ONE-SHOT. Sephiroth/Xehanort. After an experiment fails, a furious Xehanort wreaks havoc in the library… that is, until a mocking Sephiroth shows him a new outlet for his anger. PWP, Lemon, Language, Yaoi. Language, Yaoi, Lemon
Genki: -grabs microphone, clears throat, takes a deep breath- ............ HOJO. .......... thank you.
I GOTS YOU A: Riku misses Sora so much that he creates a Heartless version of him and does things to it. Angst, PWP, Yaoi, HJ, Xeno
Genki: It's like Pygmalion. Except fucked up. .... no, MORE fucked up than Pygmalion was to begin with.
I GOTS YOU A: A story of a boy who feels alone in the world. Getting sucked into his own darkness, he falls in love with the one person everyone wouldn't expect. Riku/Ansem Yaoi, Slash
Genki: Riku has a touch of the Stockholm's Syndrome, please excuse him from canon today.
I GOTS YOU A: What happens when Leon meets a pint-sized version of his former lover, Seifer? Yaoi
Genki: He laughs his ass off! Oh wait, Leon is uncapable of emotion, nevermind.
I GOTS YOU A: Sora doing naughty things with his keyblade while missing a certain silver-haired pretty boy... SoloM
Genki: I know I said I'd stick with lulz and not analysis, but how can it even fit in there? Unless.... nevermind, that's an image I don't need.
Marluxia/Saix (and vice versa)
Kingdom Hearts with...
- Dragonball Z
- Silent Hill
I GOTS YOU A: Kingdom Hearts/Naruto crossover. Sora finds Konoha's keyhole in an unusual place . . . Naruto's ass. Anal, COMPLETE, Crossover, M/M, Oneshot, PWP, Yaoi
Genki: I don't need to comment, draw your own conclusions.
That wraps it up for the first issue of The Citrus Apocalypse! Special thanks to MavX for dropping in and commenting and Zekushion for playing the Organization members in our intermission as well as doing the math because Genkigami is math dyslexic.