The last part of the fic was shitty. My comments, but the fic is shitty too. Man, my comments for this one are pretty shitty since there's no Sue.
And since I'm listening to techno, enjoy this creepy icon of James with boobs. By the way, the icon is less creepy than this part.
EPOW - the hunting trip - thursday to sunday.
Genki: Four whole days where I can't stalk her?! HOW WILL I SURVIVE.
i stood on the pavement beside emmet facing bella outside her house. she looked wary i wondered if it was emmet or the fact i was away hunting or both.
Genki: Not because I'm a creepy stalking abusive motherfucker. Must be Emmet.
'dont worry bro' emmet thought'you'll be back soon'
Genki: Just don't go through creepy motherfucker withdrawal. Hey! Why don't you stalk me!
i smiled at him he knew me too well
Genki: We all know you because you're a hollow predictable character.
'cya soon' i said to bella stroking her cheek thn walking away swiftly but she stopped me she grabbed my hand pulling me back and i was only to willing to be pulled if i wasnt there would have been no way she could have moved me.
Genki: Because I'm the strong man and she's the weak woman with like breasts and stuff. And ovaries. HOW LAUGHABLE.
she wrapped her arms around my neck and pressed her lips to mine i kissed her bk momentarily enjoying the burn and the entence electricity tht should have been able to restart my unmoving heart.
Genki: CLEAR.
i pushed her away as the burn caused venom to pool in my mouth i would never hurt her and no matter how much i wanted this moment to never end i knew tht if i didnt let go soon i might loose controle tht wouldnt happen i would not allow it;
Genki: Being abusive is only fun when it's intentional!
i hadent hunted in days and the monster inside me was already all too close to the surface for my liking so finally plucking up the courage i pulled my self free of her grasp
Genki: Now stay in the kitchen barefoot and pregnant like a good little woman.
hating myself for ruining wht could have easily been the best moment of my like
Genki: All 100-ish years of it.
'bye' i said grinning in spite of myslef
Genki: What the fuck does that sentence mean? "in spite of myself" is placed in the wrong place, dumbass.
'dont worry ill keep him safe 'emmet said laughing'; you get him bk in two pieces at worst' he laughed again i frowned and bella gigled and frowned at the same time
'have fun guys ' she said waving longinly i liked tht though i knew i shouldnt but it felt nice to know she liked me atleast a fraction of the ammount i loved her
Genki: Being doubtful of her love, what an asshole.
we drove to the mountain range just inside canada, i knew this annoyed emmet he wanted to run but it was too light and people might notice besides it was easier to justify our trip if we took a car
Genki: Oh don't worry, you'll dazzle them. Unless you come across an anti driving a mack truck with your name on it.
we got to the mountain range just after dark 'waste of time' emmet muttered under his breath i assume he meant the drive
Genki: No, he meant being in the Twilight series.
we ran finally up to one of the peaks the air would have made my lungs freeze if i wasnt effectivly ice anyway, present mood considered i couldn help still feeling overjoyed about the kiss.
Genki: Your lungs are full of fluid from the Spanish Flu, fucktard.
friday to saturday i missed bella but emmet kept me entertained with 'sport' i had to admit i liked hunting with emmet the most he did make it a challenge.
Genki: You kill innocent animals so this travesty of a series can continue, I hate you.
but by sunday i could tell i was poor company
Genki: What? What does this even mean?
'oh c'mon' emmet said while chasing an elk ' your not even trying'
Genki: Maybe he's thinking about the animals! Yay!
he was right i had given up, i pounced agily, easily off the rock i perched on crushing the elk to the ground i drained it quickly then retreated back to my rock 'happy?'
Genki: ... nevermind.
'its not like your not gonna c her later' he teased and he was right id see her before she would see me the thought brightened my day emmensly
Genki: Wait... you don't mean...
so by sunday night we were at home i ran to bella's and climbed silently through her window
it looked like she has tryed to stay awake in anticipation of me but fell asleep fully clothed
Genki: Wait... why was the "fully clothed" part necessary?
i sighed knowing tht if i tryed to put her to bed it might test my controle a little too much even on a 'full stomach'
Genki: Put her to bed... you mean... NO. NO RAEP TIME.
i grinned at my own humanity well...thn stopped abruptly gah i felt like mike newton ..not a good feeling.....
Genki: Yeah, fuck Mike! Being all nice and shit. How revolting! Everyone knows that chicks love callous stalker assholes!
it was so easy to loose track of time around bella and sure enough it was time to leave i got up left through the window as i had entered and ran home comfortted in the knowlege i would see her again soon...................
Genki: This proves he knows it's creepy and wrong. This makes it worse. A lot worse.