Twilight. There, I summarized it. And I made an ABBA reference! I'm totally hip.
I'm switching the bold to the fic itself.
Contains: Text speak, somehow being worse than the book itself
This fic is so fucking long I'm divvying it up. Here's part one. It changes POVs so that's what I'm using as a reference point.
By the way, totally true conversation I was having at the moment.
[15:34] number_ix_demyx: Zexy? I need your +3 bonus in Knowledge:Chatspeak for a moment.
[15:36] id_rather_let_my_fists_talk_now: Mm?
[15:37] number_ix_demyx: I only speak Common, Draconic, Druid, and Chatspeak. Not Retard.
[15:38] number_ix_demyx: "it was monday first day bk afrer wht for me had been a long weekend,"
[15:39] id_rather_let_my_fists_talk_now: That's not retard, that's Newb, level 4; which, granted I applaud you not knowing. "It was a Monday, first day back after what for me had been a long weekend."
This one isn't as lulz as the others, I'm a little burned out.
another day in forks, you'd think that it would be boring in this small town and tbh i would agree if it wernt for edward.
Genki says: So far, true to the book. Bella bitching about how everything sucks except Edward.
edward was gorgeous sweet interesting dazling and a vampire. he made living in this small town worth it life could never be boring when ur boyfriends a vampire.
Genki says: Of course not, you don't know if he's going to slap you or call you names! Ah the possibilities!
it was monday first day bk afrer wht for me had been a long weekend,
Genki says: This is what Zexy had to translate for me.
edward had been hunting since thursday so i hadnt seen him in three days i didnt like being appart from him beacause i couldnt help but miss him,
Genki says: One more reason I hate Edward; hunting.
but this morning i was feeling better becasue he was picking me up to take me to skl
Genki says: To ski...? OH! School! Make it easier with those of us with outdated prescription glasses, asshole.
i spent the mourning with a huge smile on my face as i showered got dressed and headed downstairs to make breakfast.
Genki says: Like a good subservient housewife.
i got to the bottom of the stairs just in time to say a quick goodby to charlie ad headed out the door to work. i sat in the kitchen playing wit hthe dreggs of milk at the bottom of my otherwise empty serial bowl daydreaming about edward i felt almost ashamed of how much i missed him - almost.
Genki says: But she left! This part makes absolutely no sense.
it took what seemed like hours before the clock finally told me it was time to meetr edward out side and sure enough there he was leaning casually againsed the side of his silver volvo smiling and waiting for me to join him.
Genki says: Edward? Smiling? Stop making shit up.
i smiled back 'edward!' i said overjoyed as a walked quickly to wards him stumbling asusual on the way he laughed but quicly tried and failed to cover it casually as a cough
Genki says: Oh that clumsy broad!
'mourning' he sniggered
Genki says: Sniggered? I'm not even going to say anything, draw your own conclusions.