May 17, 2021 22:03
Work today suuucked, lol. We had very little left over to do from Friday and were told early on that, due to shorthandedness and some kind of equipment issue in the lab, there hadn't been a morning processing run. They said they'd have about a hundred and twenty-three slides from the afternoon run-- which doesn't add up to a lot of cases, generally, but it would likely last us beyond the couple hours that would be left in the shift by then. Not ideal but workable.
So, we spent most of the day scraping up as much busywork we could and making it last as long as we could. Which wasn't much and wasn't long, respectively. There was a lot of walking back and forth between buildings on account of only being able to get small batches at a time, so at least that helped pass the time a little.
I made a run at about four that I expected to be my last until the final call. I anticipated our case drop to come while I was between buildings. I almost grabbed another handful of busywork for just in case but figured it would just be collecting dust if I did and left it.
Only, guess what? The drop wasn't made while I was between buildings. Okay, I thought, they must be just about to bring it. I needed to take a stain request to the lab anyway, so I figured I'd just grab while I was there. Only, guess what else? As soon as I entered the lab, I was greeted with, "Sorry, we don't have anything ready for you."
Not. one. thing. I was then told that if-- if-- they had anything ready before they left for the night, they'd bring it by. Which, I mean, obviously; that's how it's always done. But what's with the if??
Anyway, to stop an already unnecessarily long story before it gets too long, whatever problem they had meant they weren't confident enough in the slides that had been processed to give them to us. Fair enough, I guess. Allegedly, the problem will be fixed in the morning and-- God willing-- our stuff will have been delivered to our office by the time we get there. We shall see...
cripes i'm whiny,